Welcome to the Smith College Club of Greenwich/Stamford website

Spring 2025

The Club welcomes all who have attended Smith College to strengthen ties among alumnae and with the College, and to raise funds for scholarship and promote Smith to area high school students. There is a long history of hosting noted faculty or alumnae speakers who inspire and enlighten our alumnae and their guests.

On March 5th, the Helen Means Professor of English Emeritus, Bill Oram, brought Shakespeare to life with an interactive presentation of a humorous scene from Twelfth Night. It was held in the Berkley Theatre at the Greenwich Library,  to an audience of about 40 alums and guests, in advance of the annual Shakespeare Competition, co-sponsored with the English Speaking Union and Friends of the Greenwich Library. We hope to repeat this prelude to the Competition next year. The Club owes a huge thank you to Caterina Kavanagh, Susan Cohen and Wynnkie Delmhorst for organizing this event!

As a non-profit organization, we rely on our members to pay dues to offset the costs of newsletters, directory, book awards and club events/programs. Our annual membership dues of $25 ensure we partially cover these expenses. If you are in a position to do so, we would appreciate a tax deductible donation to offset these costs and we have included a space on the dues form for this purpose. Thank you in advance for your support, and I look forward to seeing you at a Smith Club event soon.

Warmest regards,

Nancy Atwood Fogwell ’76