News for the Smith College Community | May 12, 2021
Los Angeles Times columnist and Smith Medalist Carolina A. Miranda ’93 writes about Maya Lin’s year of tragedy and triumph, noting Lin's redesign of the Neilson Library as being among the triumphs. Miranda writes, “Lin said her aim was to design a library that was ‘open and had daylight and was warm and inviting’—which is likely to be the most resonant aspect of the building. After a year from which we have emerged lonely and weary, Neilson Library may just be the right architecture at the right time.”
At the beginning of the pandemic, historian Alexandra Zapruder ’91 wanted to give young people the opportunity to document their thoughts, feelings and experiences, so in April 2020 she launched “Dispatches from Quarantine.” The submissions, which include writings, art, music and videos, can be viewed on Zapruder’s website.
The Wall Street Journal reports that former AFL-CIO trade official Thea Lee ’80 is slated to join the Labor Department’s international affairs division, as deputy undersecretary for international labor affairs. Lee most recently served as president of the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank that often critiques free-trade policies.
Elementary school students dropped by the Hatfield, MA, home of children’s book author Jane Yolen ’60. Their mission: deliver an oversized card along with a bouquet of flowers and a paper flower they made in art class—all in appreciation of her annual review of their writing submissions. Yolen recently celebrated the publication of her 400th book, Bear Outside.
Last year’s first virtual Global Illumination celebration was so successful that we are once again asking Smithies to shine their lights upon the world and send best wishes to the class of 2021. Submit your image of a lantern, lamp, candle or other light, upload it by May 25, and watch the Illumination map light up.
Your class could be the recipient of the Friends Reunion Award, and you can help! All alums are invited to join one or more Friends groups—athletics, the botanic garden, the libraries or the Smith College Museum of Art—and support the amazing opportunities that make a Smith education so special. The class with the most members in any of the Friends groups will receive the Friends Reunion Award. Boost your class standing and help keep Smith strong—join a Friends group today.
The Smith College Composers Concert will be presented via Zoom on Saturday, May 15, at 5 p.m. ET. The concert will consist of prerecorded works introduced live by the composers, plus the premiere of a film score for the 1929 short animated film The Haunted House. This event is free, but you must register.
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