News for the Smith College Community | October 2, 2024 |
Using Artificial Intelligence To Inform Smith’s Geothermal Project
When drilling began on campus for geothermal technology, it kick-started research by Professor Luca Capogna and Abi Bowering ’24 on an area of AI called deep learning. Their goal is getting the geothermal heat exchange systems to run as efficiently as possible.
Margaret Nyamumbo ’11 on Changing Careers, Founding a Coffee Enterprise
Following a stint in investment banking, Nyamumbo shifted gears in the 2010s to launch Kahawa 1893. According to CNBC, Kahawa 1893 sold more than $3 million worth of coffee in 2023. “I don’t know what I would be doing if I wasn’t doing this,” Nyamumbo tells CNBC.
Professor Tim Recuber Considers the Idea of Virtual Immortality
Author of The Digital Departed (2023), Recuber spoke with MIT Technology Review about uploading one’s consciousness to the cloud. “It might be pretty upsetting to be a full version of yourself in a computer,” he says, but he jokes that hologram-haunted graveyards could be cool.
Samantha Paige Rosen ’12 Writes About Being a ‘Late-Blooming Lesbian’
In a personal essay for Them, Rosen recalls her lack of excitement when going on dates with men and confusion over what it meant to be gay. Now in her 30s, she’s being grouped with other “late-in-life lesbians” but prefers the narrative to be: “Anyone who comes out is right on time.”
Tracy LaBroad Trial AC ’99 Named Senior Director of Development for NEPM
Formerly a director of development for United Way of Pioneer Valley, Trial started working at New England Public Media (NEPM) over the summer. “[Trial] has demonstrated a lifelong passion for making our community stronger,” says NEPM President Matt Abramovitz.
Attend Addressing Islamophobia Webinar With Amer Ahmed
On Oct. 9 at 4:30 p.m. EST, current students, faculty, and staff are invited to a webinar on dispelling myths about Islam. An organizational strategist and son of Indian Muslim immigrants, Ahmed aims to foster inclusivity and understanding through his work.
Pamela Gavin ’83 Becomes Chief Executive Officer of NORD
In May, the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) announced the appointment of Gavin as its new CEO. According to a statement, Gavin joined the company in 2012 and has helped launch many of NORD’s medical initiatives.
Megan Smetzer ’92 Gets Smithsonian Art Museum Award
In recognition of her book Painful Beauty: Tlingit Women, Beadwork, and the Art of Resilience, Smetzer received a Charles C. Eldredge Prize. Her extensive research for the book was supported by many Tlingit artists and scholars, according to a statement.
Laura Broderick, M.S. ’23, Joins Yale’s Athletic Coaching Staff
As assistant coach, Broderick will help lead the men’s and women’s track and field and cross-country programs at Yale. This role is overseen by Courtney Jaworski, whom Broderick previously worked alongside as a graduate assistant coach at Smith.
Anastasia Konefal ’17 Named Gulf Research Program Fellow
Designed to strengthen research surrounding policy-related issues affecting Gulf Coast communities, the GRP named Konefal as a 2024 fellow. Konefal will be working with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RESTORE Science Program.