Smith College

News for the Smith College Community | February 20, 2025

Smith College

Meet the 2025 Commencement Honorands

Meet the 2025 Commencement Honorands

At Smith’s 147th Commencement on May 18, honorary degrees will be awarded to four distinguished individuals (shown above, from left): writer Preeti Simran Sethi ’92, physician Rachel Levine, singer Evelyn Harris, and Harvard professor Danielle Allen. In continuing a tradition that President Sarah Willie-LeBreton started last year, each honorand will offer a few words of wisdom and congratulations to the 2025 graduates.

Smith College
President Sarah Willie-LeBreton Shares Reflections During MLK Celebration

President Sarah Willie-LeBreton Shares Reflections During MLK Celebration

During the event at Syracuse University, Willie-LeBreton paid tribute to her late father, Charles Willie, a close friend of Martin Luther King Jr. and Syracuse’s first Black full professor. “I was inspired by and enthralled by my dad’s career from an early age,” Willie-LeBreton says.

‘Daily Hampshire Gazette’ Feature Explores Origins, Future of Smith College

‘Daily Hampshire Gazette’ Feature Explores Origins, Future of Smith College

Celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2025, Smith College fulfills Sophia Smith’s dream for better education opportunities for women. The Daily Hampshire Gazette recently spoke to members of Smith’s community about the college’s past and its plans for the next 150 years.

Ally Yamada ’24 To Join Women’s Basketball Coaches Association Program

Ally Yamada ’24 To Join Women’s Basketball Coaches Association Program

Currently a graduate assistant coach at Smith, Yamada will join a two-day workshop this spring as part of WBCA’s So You Want To Be a Coach program. “We are very proud she'll be representing Smith across divisions at the event,” says basketball head coach Lynn Hersey.

Professor James Lowenthal Weighs In on the Space Advertising Debate

Professor James Lowenthal Weighs In on the Space Advertising Debate

The American Astronomical Society has recently opposed the concept of space billboards promoting a company or product. Lowenthal agrees with the AAS, telling science website Gizmodo, “The sky belongs to everyone and must be protected for all humans, now and in the future.”

Yari Golden-Castaño ’10 Develops STEM Outreach Program at MIT

Yari Golden-Castaño ’10 Develops STEM Outreach Program at MIT

In 2019, Golden-Castaño developed the Girls’ Innovation Research Laboratory (aka G.I.R.L.) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to empower girls to pursue STEM projects. Recent G.I.R.L. workshops have focused on building cameras and designing wearable technology.

Smith College

Reintroducing Smith’s Second President

Reintroducing Smith’s Second President

In the October 1909 edition of the Smith Alumnae Quarterly, readers learned of the appointment of President Marion LeRoy Burton, Laurenus Clark Seelye’s successor. Ruth Bowles Baldwin, class of 1887, reported on the news, sharing biographical information about Burton and describing the new president as someone “open-eyed and open-minded to new needs, new possibilities, new methods.”

Smith College

Hear Robin Brooks ’95 Discuss Current International Relations

Formerly a special adviser for Vice President Kamala Harris, Brooks will lead a discussion on the future of U.S. foreign policy on Feb. 24 at 4:30 p.m. EST. Open to the Smith community, the talk will be held in Neilson Library’s Klingenstein Browsing Room.

Professor Emeritus Charles Cutler Co-Edits Poetry Anthology

In the Footsteps of a Shadow: North American Literary Responses to Fernando Pessoa comprises works inspired by the late poet Fernando Pessoa. “He’s such a cult figure. Everybody’s reading [Pessoa],” Cutler tells the Greenfield Recorder.

Kate Ginder ’22 Named FoodCorps Alumni Advocacy Lead

In this role, Ginder will support nationwide and statewide campaigns of FoodCorps, a nonprofit that promotes food education in schools. According to a statement, Ginder previously served as a FoodCorps member in Providence, Rhode Island.

Katie Phillips Clark ’96 Appointed Communications Director

As the Maine State Chamber of Commerce’s new director of communications, Clark will ensure the mission and activities of the chamber are shared with the media, the community, and appointed officials, according to a statement.

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A promotional banner for Smith College's 2025 Rally Day, encouraging the community to pay it forward with a donation to the college.

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