Smith College Class of 1956 65th Reunion LogoJune 3-6, 2021


Eldernaut: A mature person who has extensive life experience and training in how to navigate the universe

We have longitude and latitude
For which we offer gratitude

Don’t speak of us with platitudes,
Just ask us for our attitudes.

We’ve lived 65 years since ’56,,,
Had our kicks, some nicks, and played some tricks!

Agism places us on the shelf,
But age brings peace within oneself.

Not what’s been…but gonna be…
Sustains our curiousity!

We will retain our sense of duty,
More conscious of surrounding beauty.

Activism, stoicism, feminism, mysticism…
We’re here right now with optimism.

If age, wit and wisdom can suffice…
Please ask us for some life advice.

As Eldernauts we’re quite courageous…
‘Bout things we see that quite outrage us.

We’ve learned that life need a collective…
To give a true and real perspective.

We wish a happy life…not sadder…
To nurture that…we ALL must matter


Katharine Esty’s Blog