March 2024

Dear Classmates,

65th reunion on the horizon
In two months we will put on our green sashes, grab our environmentally-low-impact totes with the handsome ’59 logo and head to the alumnae parade! Our 65th reunion programs are in place and promise to be interesting, thoughtfully paced and fun. The College is prepared to take very good care of us! If you haven’t registered yet, please go to and find the links to alumnae and reunion.

Where are we now? An updated Directory
Here’s hoping you received the Class of 1959 directory, offspring of the well-received booklet from our 60th. You’ll find that many of us have moved and, alas, the list of deceased classmates is longer. After printing, we discovered a couple of errors such as an incorrect mailing address. If a mailing address doesn’t seem right to you, use her phone or email to connect. Let us know if there are others.

Class of 1959 reunion gift progress report
Our class rises to the occasion and many of you have already sent Smith a reunion gift. We set an ambitious 50% participation goal. We’re not quite there! We need 38 additional classmates to make a reunion gift (of any size) to meet our participation goal! We can do this!

How to make a gift:

  • Call in your credit card gift: 800-526-2023 or 413-585-2036.
  • Online:
  • Mail a check: Smith College Gift Accounting, 33 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063

Consider designating your gift to the Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund or to honor a deceased classmate. You can ask to split your gift and give part of it to the Smith Fund.

Leadership for the next 5 years
In earlier times, we appointed a new set of class officers to lead us for the 5 years following reunion. Our class decided to try a “leadership team” model. We like it! We benefit from congeniality (we meet via zoom once a month) and pool ideas as well as tasks. It’s a minimal time commitment (an hour a month via zoom), shared responsibility and fun!

Please join the ’59 leadership team – you are always welcome. To join the team, suggest a classmate or find out more, contact any of us listed below (use your new ’59 Directory!)

As always, we hope you are well and able to make it to Reunion. And if you haven’t made reunion gift already, please, please … well, you know the rest!

Sally Murray Crissman
Delight Wing Dodyk
Janet Volz Kirwan
Anita Anderson Lustenberger
Betsy Woodbury Rowe
Judith Sallet
Patsy Manley Smith
Carol Hanschka Traenkle
Nancy Newton West

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