Artists from ‘59  Reunion 2014  at the Jannotta Gallery  

Nan and Wendy

Nan Robbins Jackson (center) and Wendy Williams Porterfield (Right)


Lisa Scoville Dittrich


Judy Hover Harper

Jannotta Gallery

Jannotta Gallery


Halcy Harger Bohen

Poster and Arrangement

Poster and Permanent Book with Artist Information

Fran and husband

Fran Werner Allyn and husband

Beth and husband

Beth Egan Neville and husband


Alice Watson Houston


Amanda Nyce McIntyre

Classmates who Displayed Artwork

The class  exhibition opened on Friday and was marvelous.  Twenty-two presenters (twelve were present) contributed photographs,  an amazing mobile, paintings (oil, watercolor), poetry, ceramics, an etching, weaving, jewelry,  a quilt, and book illustrations.  Halcy Harger Bohen and Alice Watson Houston assumed ‘directorship’.  Professional hanging and lighting were accomplished by staff  in the Jannotta Gallery in Hillyer Hall.  The exhibit will be on display until mid-August.  
Fran Werner Allyn, water color, fabric painting
Chadeayne Appleton, photography
Mary Clay Berry, photography 
Halcy Harger Bohen, painting
Lisa Scoville Dittrich, ceramics
Linda Luria Douglass, interior design
Dianthe Warren Eisendrath, watercolor
Helene Fesenmaier, etching
Joanna Lloyd Garbisch, photography
Judy Hover Harper,  painting
Alice Watson Houston, photography
Nan Robbins Jackson, weaving
Ellen Kaplan, painting
Gail Beckwith Mazur/ Michael Mazur, etching/ poem
Amanda Nyce McIntyre, book of etchings
Jenifer Gordon Mumford, encaustic paintings
Betsy Siemon Murphy, photography
Beth Egan Neville, mobile, collage and book about sculpture
Lyn Houghton Pass, book illustrations, pen & ink
Wendy Williams Porterfield, weaving/ jewelry
Peggy Spofford, quilt
Penny Gwin Vestner, photography
Thanks to the following for their photos:
Jeanie Dwinell Ferguson
Alice Watson Houston