The Carolyn Smith Bonner Quilt

As Chair of Headquarters at our 35th Reunion, Carolyn Smith Bonner wanted to make our headquarters as warm and friendly as possible for us, so she designed a Reunion 2000 quilt made up of squares depicting campus scenes and memories to hang at our headquarters.  The quilt was stitched over the winter by a crew of classmates and was completed just in time to be raffled off at the Saturday night dinner of reunion weekend.   Sadly, Carolyn died a week before reunion, so her beautiful quilt became the focus of much interest and emotion, and the decision was made to create the Carolyn Smith Bonner ’65 Scholarship Fund with the proceeds from the raffle.

Mary Pennell Nelson was the raffle winner and she generously announced that she would bring the quilt back to our 40th reunion to be raffled again.  The 40th Reunion winner (2005) was Elizabeth Bassell Goodman; it 2010 (our 45th Reunion) the winner was Lynne Vietor Parsons and at the 50th Peggy Reid Greene took the Quilt for her 5-year “ownership.”  The next chapter about our quilt is being written so stay tuned. 

Quilters below (click to view).

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