Why I Give
“I make sure that I make a gift to Smith every year. Why? Because Smith helped change my life. I loved everything about Smith-the excitement of a new semester, the hard work to try and do well, the diverse ideas and backgrounds and accomplishments of the students in my house and in my classes. Smith set me on a path that led directly to where I am now, and I am very appreciative. The reason I give is to help make all of that opportunity possible for others, students like me who needed a lot of financial aid, and to make sure that Smith is able to offer all of its students an excellent education and diverse experiences. What a great investment. Putting it another way: why wouldn’t I give?”
Merri Baldwin

- To make a credit card gift or pledge by phone, call
800-241-2056, option #1 during business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- To make a gift of stock, call 800-526-2023, option #5, or 413-585-2681 during business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- To make a gift by check, please send to:
The Smith Fund
P.O. Box 340029
Boston, MA 02241-0429
Smith College Tax ID: 04-1843040
“I grew up in the mountains of Western North Carolina, and while it was a beautiful part of the country to live in, I always felt that I wanted to leave the South, see more of the world and get to know people from a wider variety of places. Smith College provided me with that opportunity. While I was there and since then, I’ve learned that many parts of the U.S. are as provincial in their own way as my hometown, but because I ventured beyond my own “comfort zone,” I am better able to appreciate regional differences and more open to living in different parts of the country.
The fact that Smith is a women’s college is something I value tremendously. Attending Smith gave me a level of confidence I didn’t even know I was lacking, and I want other young women to be able to have the same opportunity.
I give to Smith because of what Smith has taught me, especially now in the 21st century because of Smith’s vision for the future: to provide young women with not just a regional perspective, nor even a national perspective but a global perspective to lead in the world and make the world a better place.”
Catherine Carr Lincoln
“I appreciate Smith as a college where women with strength, spirit and intelligence are celebrated. Smith is a unique place and I give to continue this remarkable learning environment. I give for the excellent education I received, for the lifelong friendships I formed there and for my desire to share this experience with other women.”
Megan Krasner
“When Catherine Carr Lincoln asked if I’d write something about why I’ve donated to the Smith Fund every year since graduation, my first reaction was, “Has it REALLY been every year?” Upon reflection, I welcomed the chance to share why supporting Smith annually has become a cornerstone of my charitable donations.”
“Permeating the rituals that filled our last weeks on campus – senior dinner and tea, May Day, the final finals, and endless games of Trivial Pursuit – there was the push to join the Alumnae Association. For graduating seniors, a lifetime membership was “a bargain” at some three-figure amount I couldn’t imagine scraping together. But the Alumnae Association was also exhorting us to ‘Give what you can … the cost of a movie or a pizza …. How much you give is less important than THAT you give.’ That was the message that stuck with me.”
“Now, three decades later, I’m a “lifer” at Smith, having stayed on to pursue graduate study with Adrienne Auerswald, and then to follow an interesting career path through several College offices, including Development/Advancement. Most days I’m more “employee” than “alumna”, but in those moments when I read the Quarterly or other public relations and fund-raising materials, I remember how my life at Smith began and how the College has provided the means on many levels to build and shape my professional and personal life. Giving annually to the Smith Fund gives me a chance to remember the connections I’ve made over the years, to honor those alumnae who have inspired me, to support an innovative and exciting learning environment, and to give back to the institution that has given me so much.”
Louise Mold Krieger ’84/’89