Join a Committee

Want to get involved but aren’t ready for a Board-level commitment? Fear not—you can join a committee!

Please contact us at to get yourself on the list for any (or all!) of the following committees. There’s no commitment when you sign up, and you can participate as much or as little as your schedule allows.

Marketing and Communications Committee
Led by the Secretary, the Marketing and Communications Committee crafts the public face of the organization. The Committee is in charge of creating and disseminating marketing and publicity for tours and events; maintaining the website and social media accounts; overseeing the group’s photography, digital media, graphic identity, and promotional materials; and creating and disseminating group communications like the annual newsletter.

You would be good on the Marketing and Communications Committee if you:

  • are a good writer, photographer, editor, or designer;
  • have experience with social media, web design, or publicity;
  • like building connections and communities;

Finance and Fundraising Committee
Led by the Treasurer, the Finance and Fundraising Committee works to ensure the financial growth and fiscal integrity of the Smith College Alumnae Chorus. The Committee helps to manage and oversee the group’s finances, monitors billing and expenditures for tours and events, helps establish a scholarship fund, and organizes fundraising events or appeals.

You would be good on the Finance and Fundraising Committee if you:

  • are organized, detail-oriented, and not an embezzler;
  • have experience with accounting, non-profits, or fundraising;
  • want to strengthen the organization and ensure its future;

Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee supports the work of the Marketing and Communications Committee by targeting new prospects for the SCAC, especially recent graduates and graduating seniors. At present, the Outreach Committee’s primary responsibilities are coordinating small on-campus events during Commencement and Reunion weekends. In the future, responsibilities may include additional outreach and logistical support for scholarships.

You would be good on the Outreach Committee if you:

  • are interested in reaching out to fellow alums, including recent graduates and graduating seniors;
  • want to share your experiences as an alum and a member of the SCAC;
  • plan to attend upcoming Reunion and Commencement weekends;

Advisory Council
We will also be forming an Advisory Council to provide vision and big-picture thinking for the organization. Please let us know if you or someone you know would be right for the Advisory Council.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to be a Smith College graduate/a singer/female to participate?
A: Nope! If you are dedicated to the mission of the Smith College Alumnae Chorus, you’re eligible to join as a member. As a member, you’re welcome to volunteer, to work on a committee or on the Board, to take part in events, and to sing. For more information on membership benefits, categories, dues, click here; or just join!

Q: Do I have to be near Smith College to participate?
A: Nope! Board and committee meetings take place virtually, so you can take part from anywhere in the world. You do need to have reliable access to email, as that’s our main communication method.

Q: It’s hard for me to go on an international tour because of my finances/schedule. Does that mean I can’t volunteer?
A: Absolutely not! There’s never a participation requirement for the tours–obviously, the more, the merrier, but if joining in doesn’t work for you, that’s fine. There are lots of things to do behind the scenes that aren’t directly related to the individual tours, and we would love to have your help with those.

Q: Will I get some kind of special treatment or a discount if I help out?
A: No–that is, no special treatment beyond the love and appreciation of your fellow choristers. In order to make the most of our resources, we ask that our volunteers be true volunteers, without expecting any special perks in return.

Q: What about these scholarships I’ve heard about?
A: We hope to have a limited amount of scholarship funding available to help people participate in international tours. Scholarship funding will be awarded based on a number of factors, including financial need, dedication to the Alumnae Chorus mission, and previous participation or volunteer commitment. We cannot guarantee that any or all volunteers will receive scholarships, but if you are able to help out behind the scenes, it would certainly improve your chances of receiving scholarship funding.