Smith Day 2014

Smith Day 2014: 80 Years and Going Strong proved to be just that. We had record attendance at our 80th Smith Day and luncheon (over 100 strong, the most in several years), and we were blessed to have at least 11 of our club members there who are in their 80s (see picture below). Each of them was honored with a corsage and a round of applause. We had overwhelming amounts of quality merchandise in Antiques/Household and Adult Clothes, and quite an array of options in Bakery, Silent Auction, and Books. We had a stalwart group that finished the infamous quiz, written by Laurie and Joel Kramer; quiz afficionados reported this was one of the hardest ever. Thanks to all who donated items and solicited donations from friends and contacts.

Smith Day 2014 would not have happened without the energy and enthusiasm of our department chairs of all ages: Robin Hartwell, Brigid Brindley, Siri Caltvedt, Peggy Smith, Ellen Van Iwaarden, Hayden Howland, Stephanie Frost, Marty Swain, Martha Phelps, Melanie Kiihn, Marian Kramer, Justina Roberts, Shirley Mah Kooyman, Laurie Kramer, Elissa Mautner, Johanna Duclos, Kate Lehmann, and Holly Churchward. We even had some of the almost-80-or-over Smith Day stalwarts pitch in once again, including Barbara Brown, Mary Taylor, Nancy Malmon, and Polly Grose (plus Marnie Hensel played the drums!). We had record support from our more recent alumnae, too, which is just great, as it keeps the vitality of Smith Day going strong.

One incredible Smith Day volunteer was missing this year, Cybel Monson ’91. Cybel worked tirelessly year after year for Smith Day, making sure all the behind-the-scenes needs of department chairs and the depot were met. Cybel passed away unexpectedly in November 2013. Smith 2014 was dedicated to her memory and all that she did for Smith Days gone by.

We are pleased to report that our profits from Smith Day were good. We netted $12,000. This is down some from previous years, the main reason being that while we had record sales, we also had a record amount of merchandise donated, which meant we incurred higher storage and moving expenses. These are nice problems to have! So, thank you donors, and thank you shoppers, for coming out in force this year.

Preparations for Smith Day 2015 are under way.

We had a wonderful time working with such an energetic group of smart, fun women of all ages—true Smithies, all!

Barbara Klaas ’74
Peggy Leppik ’65
Lisa Peilen ’69