
Recruiting News

Alumnae Area Coordinator (AAC) Marylou Cronin ’88 is happy to report that thirty-two young women from the Peninsula currently are enrolled at Smith, not counting those studying abroad or on leave this spring!  This is a great yield from our area. Recruiting efforts this year included many local interviews conducted by our volunteer alumnae, and our annual Hot Cider Party in January.

Several of the students who attended the recruiting events along with their parents said that they felt the alumnae contact, during their interviews and afterward while they were making their decisions, played a big role in their choice to go to Smith. This is what the College consistently tells us——Smith alums make all the difference!

Would you like to help make a difference? Do you have an hour or more to reach out to a prospective student or attend a social event? The club is looking for volunteers to help Smith attract and reach prospective candidates in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please take a look at the list below of ways you can help and consider volunteering in one or more ways in the upcoming year. To sign up or request further information please contact Alumnae Area Coordinator (AAC) Marylou Cronin ’88 at

These include:

  • Interviewing candidates (September – January)
  • Hosting the Smith booth at various area college fairs (September – October)
  • Contacting prospectives (September – December)
  • Presenting book awards (April – June) or
  • Hosting or attending recruiting social events, such as the Hot Cider Party for prospective students in January, the Yield Party in April, or the Students Summer Sendoff Party in August