About Us

Created in 2009, Smith Alumnae in South Asia (SASA) is an onlineĀ  group that supports connections between Smith College alumnae in South Asia.

Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

The SASA site is:

    • A place for alumnae in South Asia to connect with each other and current students,
    • A place for alumnae to link to current student organizations and events on campus (such as Ekta)
    • A place with ideas and guidelines to help you host events (parties, outings, book clubs, prospective student events)

Would you like to get involved?

We are looking for Connections Chairs! Click here for the application!

And there are more ways to GET CONNECTED here!


Contact Information for Connections Chairs

SASA Chair: Laila Plamondon sasaadmin@alumnae.smith.edu


India: Shivani Khatau shivani.khatau@gmail.com



Sri Lanka: Chetana Ellepola srilankalumnae@alumnae.smith.edu