Club Events

The Smith College Club of the Treasure Coast proudly hosts 4 or 5 events every year. See the Gallery page for event photos. Here are this season’s planned events:

Coming Up:

Smith College Softball Team Vero Beach Visit & Lunch

Meet Current Smith Students: Panel Discussion and Luncheon

Smith College Softball Team Visits Vero Beach
Wednesday, March 19 | 10:30 a.m.

At the lovely home of Lisa Black
1395 Shorelines Drive North, Vero Beach 32963
Carpooling is appreciated 

Director of Athletics Kristin Hughes, Softball Head Coach Emily Lopez, and the Smith College Softball team will be visiting Vero Beach!

Come get an update on athletics at Smith and participate in a panel discussion with students followed by a complimentary luncheon.

Please RSVP no later than March 12.

Please contact Heidi Sommers at or 978-835-6552.


You Are Cordially Invited!

Annual Meeting & Luncheon
Thursday, April 10th at 11:30 a.m.
Home of Ann Rhoads
351 Palmetto Point at John’s Island
Vero Beach, FL 32963
(carpooling strongly encouraged)

Featuring Presentation by Hope for Families
Executive Director, Marty Mercado

Marty Mercado has served as Executive Director of the Hope for Families Center for the past 4 years. She is a seasoned leader of non-profit organizations and holds a Master’s Certificate in Transformational Fundraising Leadership and Intercultural Management from the University of Notre Dame. She also offers her skills as a part-time crisis counselor. 

Quoting from the Vero Beach Chamber of Commerce about the role of this valuable organization: “The Hope for Families Center is the source of safety and security when the Treasure Coast’s most vulnerable residents find themselves without shelter. We serve as the catalyst to get families back on their feet and provide the structure, education, and resources to not only keep families safe today but to have the ability to provide for themselves for the long term.”

We will also vote on the amount we will send to our scholarship account at the
College to help support a Florida student with financial needs, as well as vote on the
slate of Club officers and members-at-large for the coming year 2025-2026.

Please RSVP to Cynthia LaMothe at along with $30 Zelle payment to Cynthia LaMothe: or 508-259-3530. Or, mail a check payable to Smith College Club of Treasure Coast to Cynthia Lamothe at 1080 Reef Road, #207, Vero Beach, FL 32963. If you haven’t yet paid your dues, you may include an additional $30 in your payment. (Scholarship donations always welcome!)

Please respond by April 3rd.


2025 Calendar of Club Events

Date Event Location
Wednesday, November 13th  10:30 am The Alzheimer’s/ Parkinson’s Foundation Charity visit The Alzheimer’s/ Parkinson’s Foundation, 2300 5th Ave # 150
Vero Beach
Lunch at River Twist
Monday, January 27th   3:30 pm  Emily Dickinson Virtual House Tour Home of Heidi Sommers; register for address
Tuesday, February 11th 2:30 pm Museum Tour & Tailgate—French Moderns Monet to Matisse 1850-1950 Vero Beach Museum of Art
3001 Riverside Park Dr, Vero Beach, FL 32963
Wednesday, February 26th 
6:00 pm
Cocktail Party Home of Morgan Morton
Wednesday, March 19th 10:30 am College Athletics Director / Student Visit Home of Lisa Black
Thursday, April 10th  11:30 am Annual Meeting Luncheon Home of Anne Rhoades