Learn the art of Chocolate Making!
Come celebrate the new year by indulging in a chocolate making extravaganza. Marie Schorp ’86 has generously offered to teach us the art of chocolate making. We will learn the basic techniques of chocolate handling and basic chocolate making. This will include: chocolate-dipped strawberries, barks, chocolate bars, chocolate lollipops, and molds. We will make several types of unusual chocolates that will include teas, fruit powders, and spices. Given the time and space limitations we will have a 15 person cap on participation. Please join us on January 25th at 10 am for some fun, camaraderie, and delicious chocolate!
DATE: January 25, 2025
TIME: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (?)
LOCATION: The home of Marie Schorp ’86
RSVP: If you plan on attending please fill out this form
We look forward to seeing you!
Previous events:
Annual Holiday Luncheon and Auction
Hi all we have a few events upcoming for the fall/winter 2023 that we are finalizing and will be sending out a newsletter soon with specifics. On November 4th we will have a docent tour at the University of Arizona Art Museum and on December 16th will be our annual Holiday Potluck (details below). We already have some things in the works for 2024 and hope you’ll be able to attend. On March 10, 2024 we’ll have an afternoon at the opera, thanks to Heather Strickland! The Arizona Opera will be performing Romeo & Juliet; there will be a discount for club members and a pre-performance tour and a reception for the club. Watch your inboxes for more information. Finally, in the spring we are working on a lecture about the stolen, and recently returned, de Kooning painting, Woman Ochre, at the University of Arizona Art Museum.
Annual Holiday Luncheon and Auction
DATE: December 16, 2023
TIME: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
LOCATION: The Home of Nancy Tyson ’64
COST: $38
Please bring yourself and an item to auction (or a service or baked good- it is limited only by your imagination)! The money from the auction is donated to the college to help current students. We really want you to attend and so if the cost is a hardship please reach out so we can help. You can reach us at tucsonsmithclub@gmail.com and we can get you in touch with our club president. Check your inbox for the club newsletter with details and the menu to RSVP. Looking forward to seeing you!
DATE: December 7, 2019
TIME: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Hacienda del Sol, 5501 N. Hacienda del Sol Road, Tucson, AZ 85718
COST: $30
Bring your Smith gear, favorite baked goods or other items to donate to the auction and join fellow Smith Club members as we raise money for the Smith Scholarship Fund!
And it is that time of year when Club Dues is due! Dues is $25 for those who graduated over 5 years ago. If you graduated within the last 5 years, dues is $15. Dues is used for refreshments for club events, care packages and other expenses for events for current and prospective students from Southern Arizona, communication expenses, and to periodically send a Smith College Club of Tucson officer to the Smith College Volunteer Leadership conference.
To RSVP for the holiday luncheon, make checks payable to Smith College Club of Tucson and mail them to Chris Mikel ’71 by December 2, and don’t forget to include your dues!
Chris Mikel ’71
Treasurer, Smith College Club of Tucson
Fall Kickoff and Potluck
Date: Sunday, October 20, 2019
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 PM
Address: the home of Nancy Bissell ’61, 821 S. 3rd. Ave., Tucson, AZ
Type: Potluck event, please bring a dish to share according to the first letter of your last name (or your own desire!). Drinks will be provided.
A – G – Main dish
H – N – Side dish or salad
O – Z – Dessert
Please let us know if you plan to attend by sending an email to TucsonSmithClub@gmail.com so we have an idea of how many people to expect. Spouses, partners, and family members are welcome.
Interested in learning more about the current admissions process at Smith College? Join us to learn more from Patricia Allen ’12 Assistant Director of Admissions at Smith College.
Drinks and appetizers will be provided by Smith College Admissions.
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2019
Time: 5:30 – 7:00 PM
Address: Pastiche Modern Eatery, 3025 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719
Holiday Luncheon and Auction:
This year the club will gather once again in the first weekend of December to celebrate the holidays and raise money for scholarships for current Smith students. Last year the club raised $1700 that was contributed to the Smith College Scholarship Fund through this event.
Date: December 1, 2018
Time: 11:30 am – 2:30 pm
Address: Hacienda del Sol, 5501 N Hacienda del Sol Road, Tucson, AZ 85718
Type: Friend-raising and Fundraising for scholarships for current students.
Please RSVP by sending a check made out to Smith College Club of Tucson for $28 to Sue Ellen Schuerman ’85 by November 27, 2018 and indicate Smith Holiday Luncheon in the memo line.
Sue Ellen Schuerman ’85
Baked goods and Smith College paraphernalia continue to be in demand at the auction. Come prepared to get a head start on holiday shopping!
Date: October 28, 2018
Time: 1 pm – 3 pm
Address: Home of Anne Ferro ’64,
Type: Potluck event, please bring a dish to share according to the first letter of your last name (or your own desire!). Drinks will be provided.
A – G – Main dish
H – N – Side dish or salad
O – Z – Dessert
White elephant items, homemade goodies and some generously donated wine helped us raise over $1000 for local Smith students at the Hacienda del Sol!
October 2016: Tucson’s own Mountain Day was held in the shadow of A Mountain, at Las Milpitas Community Farm.

Elena Ortiz ’11 hosts the Smith Club at Las Milpitas Community
Farm, a project of the Community Food Bank of Southern AZ
April 2016: Local public artist Chris Tanz presented her Tucson sculpture projects at the home of Catherine Morton ’62, and we all realized how many of them we’d already seen and admired.
At left: Chris Tanz, “Silver Linings,” Tucson International Airport
March 2016: yoga teacher Kimber Simpkins ’92 discussed her new book FULL: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and feed my soul. Lisa Abrams ’90 hosted.
CANCELLED due to illness Saturday Feb. 20, 2106: Smith Faculty Guest Lecturer Prof. Dana Liebsohn (Art History)
December 2015: We raised over $1500 during the annual White Elephant Auction at our holiday lunch at Hacienda del Sol. Thanks to everyone who bid on the baked goods, dog treats, wine and miscellaneous “stuff”. All proceeds were donated to the Smith scholarship fund.
October 2015: A Progressive Dinner was hosted by Nancy Tyson ’64, Cynthia Lang ’59 and Susan Crane ’85 in the Sam Hughes neighborhood east of the University. A good time was had by all! We convened for drinks and appetizers at Nancy’s and progressed with our drinks wagon to Cynthia’s for the main course, followed by coffee and dessert at Susan’s.
Many thanks to our hostessess (L to R: Susan, Nancy and Cynthia):
Thanks also to Angela Rose AC ’02 for the excellent suggestion of costumes and “come as your favorite Smithie”; and to Lia (future Smithie?!) for awesome photos with the selfie stick.
Spring 2015:
**January: Visiting Smith professor Douglas Patey led a rousing discussion of “Jane Austen’s (Bad?) English” at a Smith tea hosted by BJ Smith ’50. The Jane-ites and other fans of the written word came out in force to enjoy the tea and conversation.
**March: More tea and a very heartfelt and illuminating conversation about Smith’s admissions policies regarding transgender students, hosted by Univ. of Arizona Prof. Eva Hayward, from the Transgender Studies Institute. Many thanks to Julie Gordon ’60 for hosting.
Fall 2014: Local artist and past Smith Club prez Angela Rose (AC ’02) helped us kick off the year with a trunk show at her studio near the Tortolita Mtns. In November we met with curator Janelle Weekly at the Arizona State Museum for a private tour of the Edward Curtis photography exhibit, followed by an excellent lunch at Pasco. Our annual scholarship fundraiser luncheon in December was a great success! Dining at the Hacienda del Sol and holding a lively auction, we raised over $1000 for current Smith students from Tucson.
Spring 2014: We were fortunate to have had not one but two guest lecturers from the college, Prof. Emeritus Lester Little and Prof. Nalini Easwar. Dr. Little, a historian of medieval Italy, presented stories from the Italian wine trade. Thanks to our gracious hostess Anne Ferro and to Chris Mikel for a selection of Italian wines to imbibe! Dr. Easwar offered a fascinating presentation on “the physics of a grain of sand” illustrated with many interactive examples from her innovative pedagogy at Smith. Lunch afterwards at the Cafe A’la Cart on the patio was enjoyed by all including some guests from out of town and from other local Ivy alum groups.
Fall 2013 events included a private tour of the University of Arizona Poetry Center; the opera version of Julia Childs in the kitchen at The Loft Theater accompanied by UA Regents Prof. Paula Fan; and a holiday luncheon featuring a very lively auction, during which we raised over $1100 in scholarship funding for local Smith students.
A poetry writing exercise.
Guided tour of the Poetry Center by Mary Myers ’65.
Just another gorgeous day for the annual holiday lunch and scholarship fundraising auction at the Skyline Country Club.