The Smith College Club West of Boston (SCCWOB) was founded in 1943 as the Smith College Club of Wellesley and has evolved into a larger regional alumnae organization boasting nearly 1,000 members. Our members are Smith College alumnae who live or work in Ashland, Canton, Dedham, Dover, Foxborough, Framingham, Holliston, Hopkinton, Mansfield, Medfield, Millis, Natick, Needham, Newton, Norwood, Sharon, Sherborn, Walpole, Wayland, Wellesley, Weston, and Westwood. SCCWOB is independent of, but affiliated with, the Alumnae Association of Smith College.

Backyard Party 2022
In 2022, we had several lovely Backyard Gatherings nicely attended by a wonderfully diverse group of all ages and backgrounds. One event was hosted by Katie Manty ’94 in Hopkinton and another by Diane Kemsley ’83 in Newton. Check Events and Pictures page.
These parties spawned a number of other impromptu get-togethers including:
- Estate Tour of Blanche Ames Ames (Smith Class of 1899) at Borderland State Park
- Pub gathering to see the band Off Label with Smith alum and crooner Shira Doron (Class of ‘94 and esteemed infectious disease doctor by day)
- Rallied in support of women’s rights at the 2022 Women’s March
- Smaller meet ups were initiated for coffee, nature walks, and museum trips
- We also had some interest in an Afternoon Tea
Additionally, our club continues its proud history of sponsoring a Smith College Book Award Program (special thanks to Amy Allen ‘90 our 2022 lead). Members are often interested in collaborating on community services and we welcome more attendees to our SCCWOB Leadership Circle where many hands make light work… and more fun, engaging things happen throughout the year!!
The Smith bond is strong and in fostering this local network we are all about the hashtag mottoes: #OnceaSmithieAlwaysaSmithie and #SmithiesHelpSmithies.
Please join us to enjoy the wonderful company of Smith sisters as we expand our friendship circle! Contact to learn, RSVP for a planned event below, and/or submit suggestions/comments).
Click here to get connected and join us for future fun and laughter with our local community of Smith sisters.
Please join us in 2023 as we build on the wonderful fellowship of Smith sisters we’ve been fostering in the past few years! Contact to learn more about SCCWOB, RSVP for a planned event, and/or make suggestions for future gatherings.
Our Facebook group is one way to connect with our local community of alumnae friends who enjoy socializing and networking together.
Not a Facebook user? No worries! We also use email for key communications; and we also just introduced What’s App per request of our younger constituents.
Our aim is to ensure all members have the opportunity to participate in SCCWOB in 2023 and beyond.
Have ideas for other meet-ups our members might enjoy? Please suggest on Facebook or at Truly! We want to hear from you as we aim to help us connect with each other more in 2023.