
Read the latest Class of 88 Newsletter.

What’s new with you?

Your classmates would love to know! Our online form makes it easy to submit a class note or photo. Fill it out over the next couple of weeks to be included in the Summer 2025 Smith Quarterly. Submissions go directly to our class secretary. Secretaries compile columns for the magazine four times a year. Please keep these annual deadlines for class notes on your radar:

February 1: Summer issue
May 1: Fall issue
August 1: Winter issue
November 1: Spring issue

A special request: We will dedicate much of our summer issue to Smith’s 150th anniversary. In the spirit of celebration, we would love to hear your Smith stories and see photos from your time as a student. Little love stories can be about a favorite professor, a memorable Mountain Day, a junior year abroad highlight, or something else entirely. Submit your images and stories using our web form or by emailing We hope to hear from you!

Our next reunion will take place in 2028.

Get in touch:

Drop us a line, ask a question, reach out: