Patricia Hiltz

Patty in 1988


patty in 2013


1 Where did you live while you were at Smith?

Wesley House for the first year, Haven House for the next three

2 What was your major?

Psychology. My senior project was on how young children understand gender roles, and how that changes over time and relates to ideas of independence and identity.

3 What is your happiest memory from your Smith years?

Too many to count! I very much enjoyed the campus, the people, the opportunities to learn new things. I am still good friends with my freshman/sophomore roommate, Deirdre, and other Smithies.

4 Did you have a favorite 80s song or 80s style?

The Safety Dance always brings me right back to house parties at Smith. “’Cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance, well they’re no friends of mine…”

5 Did you ever pull an all-nighter? Why?

Several times… usually for astronomy observations with Johanna! We would be up late, taking notes, talking about everything under the sun, eating pizza, and forget to go to sleep… until just before the 8AM astronomy class!

6 Friday tea – love it or hate it?

Loved it! Still enjoy ending the week with tea and cookies, knitting with friends when I can.

7 What was your first job after college?

I took a “temporary” job working for PC Connection back in 1988, and haven’t left yet! I will be celebrating my 25th anniversary with the company this summer. There is something about a technology company—always new things happening, new opportunities to learn and grow.

8 What is one trait you like best about your Smith friends?

The connection we continue to share. It may be months between letters, emails and phone calls, but we can pick up conversations as if it was yesterday. I am always impressed with the challenges they set for themselves, and then go out to meet again and again. We are a “curious” group of women, both in our off-beat personalities and our outlook on life!

9 Any regrets from your Smith years?

No, I am basically a contented person and don’t look back with regret. Even the difficult times have made me who I am today.

10 What has surprised you most about your life in the past 25 years?

My career path is not at all what I imagined back in my college days. I would never have guessed I would be involved in computers, or that the hands-on, mechanical aspects of my tech support years would be so appealing. I was always an avid reader and loved learning, but clumsy growing up. Now that I am less hands-on at work, I find outlets (knitting, baking, canning, home improvement, and such) for building and making stuff.

11 If you have (or will have) a daughter, would you encourage her to go to Smith?

I do have a daughter who is a sophomore in high school this year. We have teased her about being a future Smithie for years, and had a few more serious discussions as well, but she was recently diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. Getting up and just managing the day at school has become such a challenge that we have focused less on the long-term goals right now. I am not sure when she would be able to live away from home, though a campus like Smith can be such a welcoming place.

I was thrilled to be asked to write two letters of recommendation last year for my son’s friends who were applying to Smith. I loved my time on campus and know what a difference it can make on a small-town girl from New Hampshire.

12 What is one of your current goals?

As I write this on Mothers’ Day, I find that so much of my current goals are still focused on my children. One in high school and one off at college this year, so the next couple of years will be getting them started on their own separate lives. My husband and I look forward to time just the two of us again, time to travel and re-arrange the house as we like it, and plan the next act in our lives.