15 Year (Virtual) Reunion

Join us Virtually June 3-6, 2021 


Smithies from around the world are invited to participate in Virtual Reunion 2021 festivities. A series of live and recorded virtual events will be available to alums starting on Thursday, June 3. For full reunion access June 3–6, alums must register and log into the Virtual Reunion Attendee Hub.

Email reunionregistration@smith.edu to register today! A schedule of select class-related events is below. All times are in EST.

Friday: 6/4

6:00pm: Virtual Friday Tea

Join your classmates for Friday Tea, a cherished Smith tradition. Spend social time with your classmates, and connect in smaller breakout groups.

Saturday: 6/5

Noon: Virtual Reunion Parade

Watch a virtual reunion parade that includes photographs of your class, and your class parade signs.

7:00pm: Virtual Reunion Throwback Dance Party

The Virtual Reunion Throwback Dance Party combines your yearbook photography with a top-40 dance hit from each class’s senior year. We hope you enjoy this visual and musical trip through time, from 1941 to 2016! The playlist of 16 songs is available on Spotify.


Sunday: 6/6

11:00am: Class of ’06 Peloton Ride

For any peloton users out there, join us for a ride! This link should allow you to add the session to your schedule!

3:30-5:00pm: Class of ’06 – 15th Reunion Programming

At Reunion, join the Class of 2006 as we Reflect and Reconnect! Share your memories and updates, enjoy some laughs, and catch up with friends old and new, including a surprise guest.