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Yahoo group

Members can share information and participate in discussions through our Yahoo! Groups list. It offers users the opportunity to engage in conversation, across Smith generations, about issues that affect the LGBTQ community personally and professionally and that have interest to us as Smith alumnae. It also serves as the means for discussing the development of our community as it moves toward status as an affinity group of the Alumnae Association.

In the interest of privacy, the group is Unlisted – it does not appear in the Yahoo! Group directory – and members can be added only with Moderator approval. The approval process is simply to insure that only Smith alums join. To be added to the group, use the contact form.

Once you’re in the group you control how often to receive emails and you can un-subscribe yourself. If you have a Yahoo ID, as a member you can view the messages on our board at, and you can choose not to receive them as emails. Also, all messages sent to the group are archived there.