Harvest Supper with Dr. Gary Felder, October 2024
We enjoyed a riveting lecture with Smith College Physics professor Dr. Gary Felder at our annual Harvest Supper. Gary’s presentation, “Black Holes: The Edge of Space & Time” had us on the edge of our seats! We had about 35 in attendance and enjoyed a delicious buffet at Supino’s Italian Restaurant in Danvers.
Gary has provided a Google Slides version of his presentation. Also, please check out Gary’s “Science for the General Public” papers which are halfway down his Smith College profile page.
Spring Luncheon at The Century House, April 2024

Jessamine Finch, ’12
We had a fantastic time at The Century House on Rt. 114 in Peabody for our annual Spring Luncheon. Many of us have driven past the restaurant over the years but had never been inside so it was fun to try this local favorite.
Our guest speaker Jessamine Finch, PhD, ’12, a Research Botanist at Native Plant Trust, Framingham, MA and Friends Leadership Council Member, Botanic Garden of Smith College shared her enthusiasm for research and the importance of native plants in natural areas and our gardens. She also gave us an update on the “swing tree” that overlooked Paradise Pond. Due to decay, the tree was removed but cuttings were taken and have been replanted at an arboretum where they are showing signs of growth. So there is hope that the tree will live on and may even return to Smith in the future.
If you would like to take a day trip to visit the “Garden in the Woods” at Native Plant Trust, let us know by sending an email to
Harvest Supper at Riverwalk Brewing Company, November 2023

A private room at Riverwalk Brewing Company, Newburyport, MA
The North Shore Smith College Club hosted its annual Harvest Supper this year on Thursday, November 9th. We met from 6- 8 pm at the Riverwalk Brewing Company in Newburyport. The format of the supper was different this year with a more casual atmosphere where each attendee ordered from the menu and paid individually at the venue. We enjoyed hearing from Riverwalk Co-Founder, Betsy Sanderson, on the creation of Riverwalk and the how-to of the brewing business.
We also had our first opportunity of the year to purchase S’mints and it was a great success!
Spring Luncheon featuring Kelsey Hunter ‘17, Assistant Athletic Director for Equity, Inclusion, and Student-Athlete Well-Being, April 2023

Kelsey Hunter, ’17
We enjoyed a lovely luncheon this year at the Beverly Depot with our guest speaker Kelsey Hunter. Kelsey studied Psychology with a concentration in Exercise and Sport Studies and graduated from Smith in 2017 where she was a member of Smith’s Equestrian team. After graduating, Kelsey immediately went on to attain a Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Loughborough University in Loughborough, Leicestershire, England where she completed a thesis titled, Understanding Challenges to Effective Rehabilitation Behaviours in Team Sport Athletes.
Her explicit knowledge in Sport Psychology helps her develop, plan and facilitate programming for Smith student athletes in the areas of diversity and inclusion, mental health and student athlete well-being, and student leadership. Her expertise extends out to topics such as culture/ethnicity and mental health inside athletics, how athletes deal with body image and sport media, and the motivational and individual differences in sport and exercise.
From Reality TV to Rooftop Farming to Smith Medalist – An Alumna’s Journey, October 2022

Jessie Banhazl, ’06
It was absolutely wonderful to gather in person this year for our annual Harvest Supper. We enjoyed a delicious meal at the Village Restaurant in Essex and were inspired by our dynamic guest speaker, Jessie Banhazl, ’06, a recipient of the 2022 Smith College Medal.
Jessie is the founder of Green City Growers, a mission-driven urban farming company transforming underused spaces into biodiverse and productive landscapes. After graduating from Smith with degrees in sociology and studio art, she moved to New York City to begin a career in reality television production. Disillusioned with the entertainment industry, she moved back to Boston in 2008 to establish and run Green City Growers. “I wanted to do work that would have a positive impact on the world,” she has said. Green City Growers reawakened her passion for food and introduced her to the importance of sustainable farming. One of Jessie’s most enjoyable projects was at Fenway Park where she worked to establish Fenway Farms for the Boston Red Sox.
In 2019, Banhazl was an agriculture fellow with the Eisenhower Fellowships, traveling throughout Europe to connect with a global network of dynamic change agents committed to creating a more just, peaceful and prosperous world. Green City Growers was acquired in 2021. Banhazl continues to support the company in an advisory capacity. She currently resides in Portland, Maine, and is bartending for a living and loving it. She also provides technical support to local entrepreneurs with a focus on social impact.
On Their Own – Women Running for Office in the Middle East, March 2022

Bozena Welborne, Assistant Professor of Government, Smith College
For our Spring 2022 event we enjoyed a multi-club virtual faculty lecture with Professor Bozena Welborne. She shared with us about the many challenges that women in the Middle East and North Africa face when it comes to launching and winning political campaigns for local and national offices.
Bozena Welborne teaches courses in Middle East politics, international political economy, global development, and women and politics. Her current research considers the impact of foreign capital and Arab diaspora networks on institutional reform and social change in the Middle East and North Africa with a focus on gender.
Her current book project, Women, Money, and Political Participation in the Middle East, is based on two years of field research across Morocco, Jordan, Bahrain, with additional insights from Oman, Lebanon, and Yemen. Welborne is also a co-author of the book, The Politics of the Headscarf in the United States (Cornell University Press 2018), which showcases results from the largest academic survey of Muslim-American women regarding their Islamic practice and politicization.
For more information, we are providing links to:
- Professor Welborne’s research
- Middle East Law & Governance Podcast with Dr. Bozena Welborne
- Recording of the Faculty Lecture
Two other lectures took place as a part of the Spring 2022 Faculty Lecture Series:
- What has COVID revealed about racial disparities (and U.S. politics)? with Professor Martha Ackelsberg
- Using AI to Learn the Laws of Nature with Professor Luca Capogna
Bending Wide: Reflections on My Leadership Journey After Smith, October 2021

Phoebe Haddon, ’72
We had a fun time together on Zoom for our annual Harvest Event this year. Not only were Smithies from the North Shore present, but we had attendees join us from NH, PA, NY, NJ, MD, OH, and Washington DC. Several Smith clubs and Facebook groups including the BASC and BIPOC helped us promote this event.
Our guest speaker Phoebe Haddon, ’72, shared reflections on her experiences both as a young woman choosing colleges during a time of great change in the choices available to women and people of color and how those experiences helped to shape her worldview. She also touched on the kinds of issues women and people of color face in the academy and workplace and how these issues continue to inform her leadership and interests.
What keeps her hopeful for the future are the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He characterized the journey to attain equality as bending wide but always towards justice.
Read more about Phoebe in the Smith Alumnae Quarterly.
Food Glorious Food – Smith Dining: Community and Sustainability, April 2021
We had an amazing time together on Zoom learning about the fascinating work that Andy Cox is doing at Smith as the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services. We learned about Smith’s participation in the “Real Food Challenge”. Real Food is food which truly nourishes producers, consumers, communities and the earth. It is a food system–from seed to plate–that fundamentally respects human dignity and health, animal welfare, social justice and environmental sustainability.
How to Cultivate your Child’s Love of STEM, February 2021

To learn more about Theanne and her books and research, please visit her web site at:
The NSSCC enjoyed an inspiring time with Theanne Griffith, class of 2008 over Zoom as she shared her story and love for engaging children in the world of STEM. Theanne received her BA in neuroscience and Spanish from Smith College, and earned her doctorate in neuroscience from Northwestern University. She is currently an Assistant Professor at UCDavis.
During Theanne’s time with us it was fun to see her show us one of the science experiments that she has used with children to teach them about sound waves. Her children’s books, the “Magnificent Makers” series, include “How to Test a Friendship”, “Brain Trouble”, “Riding Sound Waves”, and “The Great Germ Hunt”. The Magnificent Makers series is filled with science, adventure, and characters that readers love!
Harvest Virtual Zoom Event, October 2020

Harvest Virtual Zoom Event, October 2020
We had a great time hearing from Keiko Matsudo Orrall, Class of 1989, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism (MOTT) at our annual Harvest event. It was fascinating to see how many state, national, and international groups collaborate with MOTT. We also learned about the ways MOTT is promoting the Commonwealth’s travel and tourism industry in the midst of the pandemic.
A “My Local MA” statewide campaign has been launched at to encourage residents to support local businesses. The “Visit MA” web site has been updated and has a lot of great information for residents and tourists.
Keiko also shared with us two informative booklets recently produced through MOTT: Historic Women Trailblazers of Massachusetts and a Massachusetts Travel Guide. Both are available for download as well as a copy of Keiko’s presentation.
Harvest Supper, October 2019

Harvest Supper, Oct. 2019: Left to Right: Ellen Moloney Detwiller, Phyllis Cohen Rappaport, Susan Greene (President of the Smith College Alumnae Association), Jane McCall Barry (North Shore Smith College Club President) and Betty Herr. All are from the Class of 1968.
A wonderful time was had by all at our Harvest Supper this past October where we enjoyed a delicious meal catered by Relish Catering of Manchester-by-the-Sea. The event was held at the Backstage Bistro located at the North Shore Music Theatre in Beverly, MA and our speaker for the evening was Susan Greene, President of the Alumnae Association.
Susan’s enthusiasm for Smith was contagious and she shared how she is looking forward to encouraging new opportunities that will engage Smith’s alumnae in a lifelong friendship with the college. The event was well attended and we enjoyed a lively Q & A time which helped us gain a better understanding of the current culture on campus.