Club Events

Upcoming Events:

Pecan sales Usually  October – December.  However, some are still  available. To buy, see our Pecans page.

Past Events 2014-2015

September 21, 2014

Downton Abbey Tea at the Avery-Copp House, Groton CT. Presentation about Edwardian-era life, including trivia about the popular TV show, “Downton Abbey.”

November 16, 2014

“How do you say ‘pecans’ in Sign Language,” combining our annual pecan sale with Eileen Baker’s presentation of her career as an educator and advocate for the Deaf.

December 29, 2014

Annual Candidates’ Tea held at Kathleen O’Beirne’s house.

May 31, 2015

Annual Meeting at Kathleen O’Beirne’s home, learning about the endangered lady slipper found in this area.

Past Events  2010-2011

October  29, 2010

A Reception with Harriet Beecher Stowe

August 26, 2010

The Smith College Club of Southeastern Connecticut hosted our annual pizza party on August 26 for current students (including freshmen and transfers) plus book award winners from the region.

June 19, 2010 – Annual Meeting


Past Events  2009-2010

August 16, 2009

Group movie viewing of “Julie & Julia” at Olde Mistick Village followed by reception afterward  at Kathleen O’Beirne’s house in Mystic.

September 12, 2009

Tour of Two Historic Pre-fab House from the 1933-34 Chicago World’s  Fair on the Connecticut  College campus with Presentation by Abby Van Slyck ’81, Director, Architectural Studies  Program at Connecticut College, and reception afterward.

September 12,2009

  • Introduction of the new Smith Apron, designed by Cay Barres ’55  and marketed by Kathleen  O’Beirne who arranged for manufacturing, advertising, and distribution. To get an apron, see the Aprons page.


” Pecan & Julie Mania”
November 5, 2009

Dinner at the Portuguese Holy Ghost Society Hall in  Stonington.   Our resident chef was Alice W. Houston ’59, author of  “The American Heritage Book   of Fish Cookery.”   All but one recipe featured pecans.  The  recipes used came from  the Smith College Club of New York City ‘s  “More Cooking with  Pecans”  and 3 of our own great cooks,  Alice Houston ’59, Kathleen  O’Beirne’59, and Sara Gilman Mallari ’87. ” One of the recipes we used was in the NYC cookbook was  “Julia Child’s Inaugural Pecan Pie”  created by her  for the inauguration of Mary Maples Dunn as president of  Smith College in 1985.    To get the delicious recipes created  by our members and/or  buy  “More Cooking with Pecans see our Cooking School page..

January 4, 2010

  • Candidates’ Tea at kathleen O’Beirne’s home.