Club Pizza Party — August 2010

A Summer Pizza Party

The Smith College Club of Southeastern Connecticut hosted our annual pizza party on August 26th for current students (including freshmen and transfers) plus book award winners from the region.

The mix of three young alumnae (2005 – 2010), plus alumnae who are club leaders and parents of current students and candidates made for lively conversations.  The weather cooperated to make a Mystic backyard magical for 27 attendees.

Three students talked of their summer experiences:  Emma Reim ’13 worked with Amigos de las Americas in Oaxaca, Mexico; Emily Skogerboe ’11, after a junior year in Spain, had an internship at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, funded in part by the Smith Praxis Program; and Raquel Blonshine ’11 told of her pursuit of opportunities to work in her major field of geology at the University of Indiana and extensive field work from Colorado to Montana.

Eileen Baker, who earned her master’s degree in teaching the deaf from the Clark School for the Deaf at Smith in 1975, showed how her career path has unfolded from traditional teaching to a stint at Gallaudet College in Washington, DC, to currently working with the deaf in prisons in CT and serving as a consultant for state attorneys general nationally.

So, the Smith College strategic goal of educating “women of promise for lives of distinction” is alive and well at the end of a glorious summer day in Mystic, CT.

— Kathleen Parker O’Beirne ‘59, club president and candidates chair

Emma Reim ’13 and Kathleen Parker O’Beirne ‘59

Emily Skogerboe ’11

Raquel Blonshine ’11