Notes from Paradise
Today is Rally Day!
Rally Day is one of Smith's most beloved traditions. Celebrate with Smith seniors as they don their graduation robes for the first time. Cheer for the 2016 Smith Medalists and the Faculty and Gavel Award winners. Festivities take place at John M. Greene at 1:30 p.m. EST. Can't be there in person? Watch the live stream.
A Call for College Admission Reform Latina Students Come Together The Celtic Tiger Comes Back to Life
In a letter to The New York Times, President Kathleen McCartney credits a report by the Harvard Graduate School of Education for starting a "badly needed conversation" about the need for college admission reform. First in a student-organization profile video series: Nosotras provides support for Latinas at Smith, sponsoring popular events and promoting awareness of social justice issues facing Latinas today. Associate Professor of Economics Roisin O'Sullivan joined the newly formed Irish Fiscal Advisory Council in 2011. As her term comes to an end, she reflects on Ireland's road from boom to bust and its slow recovery.
Carrying on the Legacy of Julia Child '34
A post on Smith College social media led Makenna Johnston '07 to make the purchase of a lifetime: La Pitchoune, Julia Child '34's home in the Provencal village of Plascassier, France. Johnston plans to turn La Pitchoune into a culinary retreat modeled after Child's approach to cooking.
No Peace in Darfur
In a New York Times op-ed, Eric Reeves, Smith professor of English language and literature, reminds us that Darfur, while no longer in the headlines, is still a region of intense conflict.
Jandon Center for Community Collaboration
Since 2009, Smith's Center for Community Collaboration has connected Smith students with area community organizations. Now a new director and a new name for the center will help broaden its impact.
Friends of Smith College Reunion Award
Join the Friends of Smith College and support college resources, including the SCMA and Botanic Garden. Plus, reunion classes are eligible for the Friends Reunion Award, which goes to the class with the highest percentage of Friends members.
A Blast From the Past
PBS Digital Studios brings to life a 1983 interview with Gloria Steinem '56 and astronaut Sally Ride. The audio recording is courtesy of the Smith College Archives.
Selected items from the news media featuring Smith College people and programs
Prof. Giddings: Do Woodrow Wilson’s racist views negate progressive accomplishments?
Beyonce is no Aretha Franklin, says Cornel West at Smith
Prof. Dionne: Women political scientists know stuff, too
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy ’02: Filmmaker determined to end “honour killings”
Helen Woodard Atwater 1897: The nutritionist no one talks about
View more mentions of Smith in the news >


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