The Contemporary Art World’s Newest ‘Tastemaker’ |
Kimberly Drew '12 started her wildly popular blog, Black Contemporary Art, in 2011 while she was still a student at Smith. Today, she's overseeing social media for the Metropolitan Museum of Art and has been called "one of the art world's rising tastemakers." |
Exploring the Changing Face of Rome |
The Good and Bad Sides to Perfectionism |
Smith Today: Follow A Student On A Campus Tour |
An exhibition at the Smith College Museum of Art documents how Rome has been pictured over four centuries. "When in Rome: Prints & Photographs, 1550-1990" opens Friday, Sept. 30, and introduces an Italian theme that will permeate a number of exhibitions for the next year.
Striving for perfection can prevent you from experiencing life to its fullest, says Patricia DiBartolo '89, Caroline L. Wall '27 Professor of Psychology, in an interview with Health.com. DiBartolo has longstanding research interests in investigating the phenomenology of perfectionism.
There's nothing quite like the Smith campus. Alumnae continue to be called to it long after they graduate, and students, faculty and staff enjoy its beauty every day. Sarah Lopez '17, a neuroscience major and Gold Key Guide, leads you on a quick tour of favorite spots, from the banks of Paradise Pond to inside cutting-edge lab facilities. |
Join Our Movement: Give to Women for the World Today |
With just over three months to go before the culmination of Smith's Women for the World campaign, alumnae, parents and friends of the college have contributed a remarkable $430 million toward our $450 million goal. Now is the time to participate in this historic effort to prepare women for leadership by reimagining the liberal arts for the 21st century. Please make your gift today to ensure that we reach our goal by December 31. |
Learn More: SSW Five College Circle of Scholars Program |
The Five College Circle of Scholars program is open to current students and graduates of the five colleges interested in applying to the Smith College School for Social Work MSW program in clinical social work. Applicants qualify for unique benefits, including an application fee waiver and priority in SSW grant-funded financial aid. Attend an informational lunch at Smith (10/6), Mount Holyoke (10/12), or UMass (10/26). |
Share Your Alumnae/Faculty Connection Stories |
Has a Smith professor guided you on your career path, provided a crucial recommendation or remained an important presence in your life? Are you still in touch? For an upcoming Quarterly story, send us a note about a faculty mentor who has influenced your life. Please keep your response to about 75 words. Write to SAQ@smith.edu by Sept. 30. |