Visiting Scholar Explores the Politics of Dignity |
Zaynab El Bernoussi, a visiting scholar from Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco, says that dignity—or karama in Arabic—is a nebulous concept that challenges individuals, as well as nations, to reflect on myriad issues, such as identity, human rights and faith. |
Susan Faludi on Smith and ‘Writing Women’ |
A Smith Starry, Starry Night on Paradise Pond |
Book of Letters Reveals New Side of Sylvia Plath ’55 |
Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Susan Faludi, Jacobson Visiting Nonfiction Writer, is teaching a course titled Writing Women. Faludi has ties to Smith: She used the archives to research her 2013 New Yorker article about radical feminist Shulamith Firestone, and husband Russell Rymer is the Elizabeth Drew Professor of English Language and Literature. |
Professor of Astronomy James Lowenthal shared this amazing time-lapse video of a starry November night over Paradise Pond, just as an open-house star party was taking place at the McConnell rooftop observatory in the background. The Pleiades, Hyades, Taurus, Auriga, Gemini, and Orion all made an appearance and put on quite a show! |
The Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume 1: 1940–1956, co-edited by Karen Kukil, Plath scholar and associate curator for Smith’s Special Collections, examines more than 800 of the poet’s personal letters. Says Kukil, “Plath was witty and had a great sense of humor. She was also a very sensual woman. All of these qualities are revealed in her letters.” |
Tune In: Christmas Vespers Streamed Live |
Christmas vespers will be held on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. EST in John M. Greene Hall. The first performance will be streamed live. Christmas vespers dates from 1875 and is one of Smith’s oldest and most treasured traditions. It features the Smith College Chorus, Chamber Singers, Glee Club, Handbell Choir, and Orchestra, as well as music by Hildegard von Bingen and works based on her melodies by Clifton J. Noble, Jr., Ronald Perera and Alice Parker ’47, among others. |
Register: Smith College Women of Color Conference |
Don’t miss the 2018 “Smith College Women of Color Conference: Persistence, Possibilities and the Power of Our Voices,” being held on campus April 13–15. The keynote speaker will be Farah Pandith ’90, diplomatic entrepreneur and first-ever special representative to Muslim communities, serving under Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. In addition, more than 30 workshops and discussions will be offered on topics relating to work, health, leadership and more. Register now for this life-changing event and connect with distinguished alumnae, faculty and students of color. |
Nominate 2018 Sherrerd Teaching Awards |
Smith College students, staff, faculty and alumnae are eligible to nominate faculty for the Sherrerd Prize for Distinguished Teaching. The deadline for the 2018 nominations has been extended to Sunday, Jan. 7. The Kathleen Compton Sherrerd ’54 and John J. F. Sherrerd Prize for Distinguished Teaching recognizes the demonstrated excellence and enthusiasm of Smith professors. When submitting your nomination, please include details about effective teaching techniques, course design, and/or how the faculty member promotes the development of students. |
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