Notes from Paradise
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy ’02 Wins Academy Award
The Smith College community responded with congratulations from around the world as filmmaker and Smith Medalist Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy ’02 took home her second Oscar on Feb. 28, this one for A Girl in the River, a documentary about “honor killings” in Pakistan.
Alumna Makes List of Young African American Leaders Reunion 2016 Registration Now Open Reimagining Neilson in the 21st Century: Event Highlights
Kimberly Drew ’12 manages social media for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, breaking down the walls of the traditional museum. She has been named one of NBC's 28 African American leaders under 28. Laugh, share, reconnect and once again experience the intellectual excitement that is Smith. Join your classmates on campus in May for one of the best parties of the year. Register today! President Kathleen McCartney, Provost and Dean of the Faculty Katherine Rowe and designer Maya Lin discuss how the Smith community has been reimagining Neilson Library, marrying history and innovation in the process.
Fossil Fuels Update
In a Feb. 23 letter to the Smith community, President Kathleen McCartney and Elizabeth Mugar Eveillard ’69, chair of Smith’s board of trustees, say the college is working with an independent consultant to review the status of the college’s endowment with regard to fossil fuels. Results of the consultant’s work, which will include talking to student activists, are expected this summer.
All 4 One
Smith College is leading women’s education. It’s time to prove it. Let's come together to increase giving participation by 4 percentage points. Please show your support by giving to The Smith Fund's All 4 One March challenge.
Smith People in the News
Fellowships, publications and academic honor society posts are among the recent accomplishments of Smith students, faculty, staff and alumnae. Read about them in the latest People News column.
Selected items from the news media featuring Smith College people and programs
The Oscars needed Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy ’02’s speech
NY Times: White House enlists Stephanie Cutter ’90 for Supreme Court fight
Prof. Andy Rotman: On Amar Akbar Anthony
Katherine Thompson ’07: lobster scientist
Prof. Ben Baumer: Teaching students to think with data
View more mentions of Smith in the news >


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