Notes from Paradise
The Glass Ceiling Remains Intact
In a New York Times op-ed, President Kathleen McCartney reflects on the election and the need to expand the boundaries around women’s leadership. “It’s time to take a sledgehammer to the glass walls,” she writes. “The best way to stop coercion is to make the invisible visible by sharing our stories.”  
Maya Lin Takes Smith Inside the New Neilson Students Gather to Process Election Results The Incredible, True Story of Paradise Pond
Last month, designer Maya Lin gave the Smith community its first look at her plan for a renovated Neilson Library. Saying her intent was to “restore the heart of Smith’s campus,” Lin spoke of the importance of honoring the building’s history while accommodating the needs of a 21st-century library. Watch the video for a peek at the new Neilson. Students came together at each of the five colleges the day after the presidential election. At Smith more than 1,000 students, faculty and staff attended a discussion at John M. Greene Hall led by Donna Lisker, dean of the college. Lisker reminded those in attendance, "Please know that we are here in support." One of the most iconic images of the Smith College campus is Paradise Pond, but the pond is in perpetual danger of becoming a giant swamp. Over the summer, faculty and student researchers implemented a new plan to protect and maintain the pond—but things had to get worse before they got better.
Professor Calls Liberian Election A ‘Critical Test’ for Democracy
In a recent piece for the Washington Post online, Assistant Professor of Government Kim Yi Dionne calls the upcoming Liberian election a "critical test ... which would act for many political analysts as a marker of continued democratic development in Liberia."
Smith College Bookstore Holiday Sale
From Smith logo slippers to T-shirts, umbrellas and onesies, the Smith College Bookstore has all your favorite Smith swag. Shop from Nov. 24 through Dec. 2 and get $15 off orders of $50 or more; $25 off orders of $75 or more; and $35 off orders of $100 or more.    
Webinar: Learning the Art of Self-Compassion
Highly capable women often give too much and don’t stop to take care of themselves—sound familiar? Learn how to set boundaries and trust yourself. Register for the Smith career webinar "Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Me: Self-Compassion and Beyond for Smithies," presented by communication expert Jobie Summer ’91, Nov. 30, from 1 to 2 p.m. Eastern time.
Selected items from the news media featuring Smith College people and programs
RADIO FREE ASIA: Prof. Dan Gardner comments on environmental fraud case in China
NEW ENGLAND PUBLIC RADIO: In Northampton, reaction to election results
DAILY HAMPSHIRE GAZETTE: Prof. Naila Moreira: Climate change and the Mill River
CBS THIS MORNING: Zoraida Colon ’18J on the “pushy mom” who helped her find Smith
View more mentions of Smith in the news >


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