Notes from Paradise
Smith Pledges Support for Undocumented Students
President Kathleen McCartney and the executive committee of the board of trustees have pledged to uphold Smith’s commitment to protecting students against discrimination in access to education and equal protection of the law, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status.
‘Pushy Moms’ Work to Get More Kids in College Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Stars ‘Inventive’ leader chosen to head consortium
Zoraida Colon '18J is thankful for her “pushy mom.” “She gives me a little bit of a nudge, like your mom,” she said during a recent segment on CBS This Morning. "Pushy moms" is a network of women who are using the lessons they learned helping their own children get into college to assist other students navigate the college admission process. In the latest edition of Profcast, Astronomy Professor Suzan Edwards discusses the evolution of star formation. It is part of her research into how the gravitational collapse of rotating, denser-than-average cores within a molecular cloud forms a central protostar surrounded by a flattened spinning disk of gaseous material.   Following a national search, the Five Colleges of Ohio consortium has named Sarah Kahrl ’79 its next executive director. Kahrl will begin her new role next summer, after a long career at Kenyon College. The consortium's board of trustees said that Five Colleges of Ohio will benefit from Kahrl's "inventive leadership and vision."
Christmas Vespers Streamed Live
Christmas Vespers will be held on Sunday, Dec. 4, at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. EST in John M. Greene Hall. The first performance will be streamed live. Christmas Vespers dates back to 1875 and is one of Smith’s oldest and most treasured traditions. It features the Smith College Chorus, Chamber Singers, Glee Club, Handbell Choir, and Orchestra, as well as music by Hildegard von Bingen and works based on her melodies by Clifton J. Noble, Jr., Ronald Perera and Alice Parker ‘47, and others.
‘Global Impressions’ Seeks Essays From Alumnae Overseas
The Smith College student-run journal Global Impressions is soliciting short essays from alumnae who live abroad for a special issue on the U.S. presidential election. How did people in your part of the world react to the outcome? What questions are they asking? Has the election changed perceptions of the United States? The deadline for submissions is Jan. 23, 2017.
Thanks: More Than $1 Million Raised in One Day
Thanks to thousands of alumnae, parents, faculty and staff, The Smith Fund surpassed its goal of raising $1 million on National Philanthropy Day, held Nov. 15. More than 1,900 donors contributed $1,033,625 in support of financial aid, curriculum initiatives and other college priorities. "The Smith community once again rallied to show its support for our students and women's education," said Maria Held, director of The Smith Fund. "We are so proud and grateful."
Selected items from the news media featuring Smith College people and programs
BOSTON GLOBE: Smith, Harvard vow to protect undocumented immigrants
BOSTON GLOBE: College presidents urge continued protection of undocumented students
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Seven Sisters post open letter to Steve Bannon
TEEN VOGUE: Kimberly Drew ’12: Mastering social media, the Met and the art world
BOSTON GLOBE: Prof. Andrew Zimbalist: Trump could shape future of sports
AL.COM: Prof. Randy Frost: Do Americans own too much stuff?
View more mentions of Smith in the news >


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