A Conversation with Provost Michael Thurston |
Michael Thurston began his position as Smith’s provost and dean of the faculty on July 1. “I’ve been at Smith for 20 years, and I love the place,” he says. “I’m looking forward to doing things to help strengthen work that’s in progress here.” Thurston is a scholar of 20th-century English poetry and a published author. |
‘I wanted to be at a place where my voice was valuable’ |
‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time’ |
The Many Issues Surrounding Medical Marijuana |
Eleni Partakki ’22 came to Smith from Cyprus. Here Partakki, who is business manager for The Sophian and president of the class of 2022, talks about why she chose Smith and what financial aid has meant to her. She says, “By supporting financial aid, you are giving a student an opportunity to achieve greatness.” |
Sunshine Schneider ’22 was thrilled to learn earlier this summer that she’d been cast as the lead in the Smith production of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, an award-winning play based on a 2003 novel about a boy with autism that will be performed on campus in October. Schneider herself is autistic. |
Anthropologist Caroline Melly’s research into medical marijuana as a potent treatment for neurological disease focuses on a growing network of lay people who are experimenting, often on their own, with cannabis as a remedy. How will the nation's evolving laws on its legality play out in the medical community? |
A Snapshot of Immigration Attorney Amanda Hackett ’06 |
Amanda Hackett ’06, an attorney who serves LGBTQ asylum seekers and other immigrants, was recently featured in The Washington Blade. Hackett, who is based in the Washington, D.C. metro area, was named one of this year’s Capital Pride Honorees for her work. |
Playwright Winter Miller ’95 Writes About the Dangers of Being a Journalist Today |
The New York Times reviews No One Is Forgotten, a new play written and directed by Winter Miller ’95, which deals with the increasing number of journalists captured and killed. Miller is a former research assistant for Nicholas Kristof and the author of the play In Darfur.
Reflecting on Culture and Climate Change with the 2019 Smith Reads Selection |
This summer, all entering Smith students are reading How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate by social scientist Andrew J. Hoffman; it is this year’s Smith Reads selection. The book aligns with the college’s Year on Climate Change initiative. Hoffman is the Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan. |