Honoring Teaching Excellence |
The Kathleen Compton Sherrerd '54 and John J. F. Sherrerd Prizes for Distinguished Teaching recognize some of the brightest stars of the Smith faculty. This year's recipients are Payal Banerjee, assistant professor of sociology; Naomi J. Miller, professor of English language and literature; and Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor, assistant professor of history. |
New Energy Manager Keeps Smith Green |
Alumna Explores Feminism in Mongolia |
Sciences and Race: Creating an Inclusive Academy |
As Smith's new energy manager, Matthew Pfannenstiel has an ambitious goal to reduce campus energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. To accomplish it, he is working with the entire Smith community, as well as local utilities and government agencies. |
Aubrey Menard ’08's video documentary series, Young Mongols, includes an episode on feminism, featuring Zolzaya Batkhuyag, founder of Young Women for Change. Menard is a Luce Scholar living in Mongolia. |
Evelynn Hammonds, professor of African and African American studies at Harvard University, will speak at Smith on Thursday, April 14, at 4:30 p.m. in McConnell 103. Her topic: the history of race in the sciences. |
Smith Announces Community Investments |
Smith will invest $520,000 in new and ongoing community contributions to benefit Northampton and its civic and cultural organizations. “Smith College is committed to the success of Northampton,” said President Kathleen McCartney, describing the gifts as “voluntary investments to strengthen priorities across the city.” |
Through the Eyes of Smithies |
Without a doubt, Smithies lead fascinating lives. Find out what's on their minds, what they're interested in and what they're up to—on and off campus—by checking out Smith by Smithies, student postings about Smith College today. |
A National Conversation About Drones |
In an op-ed published in The Conversation, Smith engineering professor Paul Voss writes, "Not long ago, most Americans could safely ignore congressional deliberations about Federal Aviation Administration authority. But this time, we may need to fasten our seat belts and actually read the card in the seat pocket." |
Friends of Smith College Reunion Award |
Alumnae are invited to join the Friends of Smith College and support critical college resources. Reunion classes are eligible for the Friends Reunion Award, which goes to the class with the highest percentage of Friends members. Currently, the class of 1966 is leading the way, with the class of 1956 in second place. Join today to boost your class standing! |