Welcome to the Smith College Class of 1973 website
Please send news for the class column in Smith Alumnae Quarterly to Lolly Mixter at lollymix@gmail.com.
Dates for our 50th reunion in May 2023 have just been announced!
Smith class of 1973
50th Reunion
Thursday, May 25–Sunday, May 28, 2023
Mark your calendar now!
Read our Spring 2022 class newsletter.

Links to come
Welcome to the official web page of the Smith class of 1973, a class independent of, but affiliated with, the Alumnae Association of Smith College. This page was created by and for the Class of 1973 of Smith College. Information on this website is intended for individual communication of a personal nature among Smith alumnae. Use of this information for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Accuracy of the information on this page cannot be guaranteed. Smith College and the Alumnae Association of Smith College are not responsible for the content of this page. Responsibility for the page and its content belongs solely to the Class of 1973. This page is maintained by the class webmaster.