35th Reunion


See you May 16-19, 2024 at our Milestone 35th Reunion.
The theme is:
Collective Wisdom.

117 classmates are coming to Reunion! See who is coming.

Important Reunion Information:
Check-in: Seelye
HQ: Chase
Breakfast: Cutter/Ziskind
Reunion Schedule: Get the Reunion App!

Seeking Photos: Do you have photos from our days at Smith or from prior reunions? Send them to Kristie. We’ll use them on our clas FB page leading up to reunion and on this site to create a trip down Memory Lane.

Staying Connected: JOIN our Class Facebook group! We have over 350 members, over half our class! FB is a great place to reconnect, catch up, and see tips for attending Reunion. 

Creating a Legacy… Together! Our Smith experience was directly enhanced by the generosity of the Alums before us. Today’s Smithies similarly depend on us. Make your donation today and help us reach 35% class participation.

Watch this page for updates related to our 35th!

Questions? Reach out to:
Christine Gahagan – 35th Reunion Co-Chair
Kristie Schmidt – 35th Reunion Co-Chair

See you at SMITH!