
You are a member of the Smith College Club of Charlottesville if  you live within the geographical boundaries of our region (essentially the Western half of the state – Culpepper west to the West Virginia border; Winchester and Washington South to the North Carolina border).

What does membership get you? 

This year we’re introducing a Charlottesville/Western Virginia directory. Participation is free and optional; you do not have to be an active or dues-paying member to participate.  Just fill out the form on page 2 of the 2013 Membership and Directory letter and mail it to us! (You can also email the information to us.)

We also arrange several events a year! Last year, we had teas, a potluck, a trip to the Fraylin Museum, and a fun annual meeting. Best of all, they are opportunities to spend time with fellow Smithies.  We do ask that active members pay dues, and explain more in the 2013 Membership and Directory letter.