Christine Carr Hill
 Sarasota Art Museum
 Cintia Elenstar, Executive Director of UNIDOSNow
 Beth Hooker, PhD, Director of Sustainability, Smith College
 Manatee Seaport
 401 S Palm Avenue (the party room at The Savoy condo building), Sarasota FL 34236 |
- Wednesday, 11.30 am November 16, 2022
Welcome back lunch, Plymouth Harbor, 700 John Ringling Blvd, Sarasota. Christine Carr Hill, Associate Director of Alumnae Relations and Development at Smith, will give us an update on the college, tell us about the new president and show a video of the new library. Please RSVP by sending a check for $31/person made out to “Smith Club of Sarasota” and mail it to Susie Stringer, PO Box 996, Boca Grande, FL 33921. RSVP before November 9th.
- Thursday, 11.30 am, January 12, 2023
A docent-led tour of Sarasota Art Museum, Ringling College Museum Campus, 1001S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. The museum features pop-up changing exhibits of contemporary art, always something interesting to see. The two exhibits on display during our visit will include Journeys to Places Known and Unknown: Moving Images by Janet Biggs and peter campus (https://www.sarasotaartmuseum.org/janet-biggs-and-peter-campus/) and Steven and William Ladd (https://www.sarasotaartmuseum.org/steven-and-william-ladd/).’ Our tour will be followed by a bistro lunch at the venue.
- Wednesday, 11.30 am, February 15, 2023
Our February luncheon features Cintia Elenstar, the new Executive Director of UNIDOSNow, a Sarasota-based organization which empowers Latinos to realize their American dreams. Ms Elenstar will tell us about the work of UNIDOSNow and will be joined by Lucero Guzman, Education Coordinator at UNIDOSNow and a recent graduate of their program. The lunch is at Palm Aire Country Club, 5601 Country Club Way, Sarasota, FL 34243. We will be joined there by Wellesley and Mt Holyoke Club members. Follow this link for a recent article on the work of UNIDOSNow or visit https://www.unidosnow.org/
The luncheon price is $27/person. Guests are welcome. Luncheon entree choices: poached salmon and baby spinach OR pasta primavera
PLEASE MAIL YOUR CHECK (payable to Smith College Club of Sarasota) FOR $27/PP TO:
Susie Stringer, PO Box 996, Boca Grande, FL 33921. Please include your menu choice on the memo line of your check.
Deadline: February 10, 2023
- Friday, March 10, 2023 at 5:30 pm
Join fellow Smithies from SW Florida to hear Beth Hooker PhD, Director of Sustainability, Smith College, speak on Smith’s New Geothermal Project.
This will bring the Smith campus to net-zero carbon emissions by 2030 and is the largest capital project in Smith’s history (over $200 million)
Venue: Bay Plaza, 1276 N Palm Avenue, Sarasota FL 34236
$20/person including wine & cheese. Spouses, partners and friends are welcome. Free valet parking at Bay Plaza condominium. Dinner after the presentation at individual expense at the nearby Bijou Café.
- Wednesday, March 22
Venue: 300 South Dock Street, Palmetto, FL 34221 at 10.30 am
A tour of Seaport Manatee, one of Florida’s largest deep water seaports handling 10m tons of cargo/yr. Imports include granite plus fruits and vegetables from Central America. Varied exports from our region include wood and related products, recycled aluminium and steel and phosphate rock. A talk on the port’s operations and economic impact will follow. Lunch at a Manatee riverside restaurant.
- Sunday, April 16
Farewell cocktail party. 401 S Palm Avenue (the party room at The Savoy condo building), Sarasota FL 34236. 5-7 pm. Hostess: Lynda Doery ‘62
Come join fellow Smithies and their guests for wine and canapés and socialising at this favourite end-of-season party. Here’s a photo of the building (left).
Check this page for updates and booking instructions. In this time of pandemic procedures, all programs are subject to change or cancellation.