

Reference past newsletters and e-blasts from the Smith College Club of Washington. This page is password protected; contact the SCCW office for assistance. To begin receiving the newsletter in your inbox, please sign up here.

sccw SCCW Marketplace

Support businesses owned by, run by, or affiliated with Smithies! Our marketplace focuses on alums in the DC area. Want to have your service or product listed? Contact the club to learn more about ad packages.

sccwSmith Alumnae Website

This is a direct link to the Smith College alumnae website where you can find college materials, news, class and reunion information, an events calendar, and much more. The website also includes information about alumnae benefits.

sccwAlumnae Directory

This is a direct link to the Smith College alumnae directory. Keep your contact information up to date in the directory, and look up other alumnae by class, location, and a number of other search criteria.