Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here today.

Our 60th Reunion on May 18 through 21st, 2023 was very successful with many thanks to our two great Reunion Chairs, Julie Conger and Carole Whitehill. (Who have since become the Co-Chairs of our Class!)

It rained off and on but that did not slow down the 63ers who explored the new Neilson Library, toured the Botanical Gardens, and made discoveries in the Hillyer Art Museum. They also participated in a discussion of “Joy” — our theme — as well as attending special lectures and private tours. Happily, it did not rain on the parade! (See below for more details about the weekend.)
Send us your photos
Some photos from this Reunion have already made their way here, but I encourage you to send your images to help create a visual Tour-de-Reunion!
Here is Julie introducing Donna Wolcott Phillips in the Gillett living room before the discussion of “Joy”. Love the green feathered boa! See many more photos from the weekend here.

Events at our Reunion
On Friday evening after dinner, an informal discussion was led by Diana Wolcott Phillips on the topic of Joy.

Running all weekend at the headquarters in Gillett on video: Class of 1963 artists and their artworks. A Power Point version of the video is now posted on this page.
Still time to submit to “What Brings Me Joy”
And, if you haven’t sent in a photo or short paragraph about What Brings Joy to Your Life, please do. Take a look at what classmates have already contributed, especially those who could not attend Reunion. Please send the photos here before Jan. 1, 2063!
Also at Reunion exclusively for 63ers
Smith’s Special Collections, one of the oldest, largest, and most renowned collections of women’s history in the world, has grown in the last 50 years from a handful of collections to nearly 1500. Occupying the entire south wing of the new Neilson, the new facilities reflect Special Collections status as a global center for scholarship and teaching about women.
On Friday Elizabeth Myers, Director of Special Collections, and Leslie Fields, Head of Special Collections Public Services, spoke about the history of the collection and shared some of its highlights.
On Saturday, Faith McClellan, Dean of Career Development, spoke to our classmates about how Smith’s advising and programming have grown and changed to meet the needs of today’s students and alums in an ever-evolving work environment.
Dean McClellan shared the career center’s current strategy for engaging students in a developmental career education process, starting from day one at Smith and continuing through the early career lifecycle. She outlined Smith’s four-year career advising process, which connects liberal arts learning with skills training, experiential learning, and network preparation for career success.
Other things you should know…
It is not too late to contribute to the College for this fiscal year. To donate to Smith, go to this page and you will see an array of ways to donate.
New pages:
“What Brings Me Joy.” Discover what fellow 63ers are doing and share your joys with us.
And Zoom House Meetings. Find out more and see the photos here.
If there is a book you’ve recently read and loved, tell us about it! See I Recommend This Book page for more info.
What happened to the 50th reunion? And the 55th? Click here to view all the great photos and events from our previous Reunions now stored in the archives. Sadly, some photos from both those Reunions were lost when Google+ was discontinued, so please send any photos you have of them to Carol Lightwood.
Please send as .jpg or .png
REMINDER: Be sure to update your email address and phone number on the college website. We want to stay in touch with you!