55th Reunion

55th Reunion May 24 – 27, 2018

Reunion Teaser from our Class President, Mollie Fair!

I honestly think the Friday agenda is topnotch.  Pres. McCarthy’s address at 9am will be excellent and the student panel always knocks my socks off. The update on the Neilson library will be fascinating:  the one I heard a year ago gave me a glimpse of a brave new world in education.  The faculty presentations will be superior and our special class program at 3pm is something our reunion chairs are raving about.  It is a one-act play “Tea for Three,”  written by Elaine Bromka, a Smith alum, presenting a conversation between Betty Ford, Lady Bird Johnson, and Nancy Reagan.  Might sound a little hokey but it has been an off-Broadway hit and a reunion hit also.  Then we can all relax together and move on to enjoy our class dinner.  Since registration costs the same however long you stay, you might as well stay all three nights and join in the parade and picnic lunch/class meeting on Sat.  Both Friday and Sat. Nights back at our HQ we will be having readings and discussions by various authors we have in our class.  We decided that having featured our visual artists at tour 50th we would highlight our literary ones this time. Be sure to join us May 24-27.

Photos from the 55th 

With many thanks to Toni Trobe for contributing these photos from the 55th.


55th Reunion Class of 1963

“Thank You” to officers from our 55th Reunion

Nancy Tipton Myers


Nancy Tipton Myers – Vice President, 55th Reunion


rk pic  Rosalie Oster Kerr – Web C0-Chair

Liz Raisbeck – Co-Secretary, House Reps Chair

Julia Bowers Coale – Co-Class Fund Agent

Toni Trobe Kestenbaum – Planned Giving

Katherine Sanderson Zwick – Co-Memorial Chair

Eileen Yencik Sheldon (224x250)


Eileen Yencik Sheldon – Co-Memorial Chair