Recommend a Book

Have you recently read a book that you’d suggest to others? We’d love to know about it! (You know we are all avid readers!)
Please send your recommendation with the name of the author and a sentence or two about why you like it to the Web Chair.
A Woman of No Importance, by Sonia Purnell, paperback. This is the story of Virginia Hall, who in the late 30s got tired of getting only secretarial work at the State Dept. and went to France and connected with the resistance. It’s an amazing, courageous, and harrowing story, and she miraculously survived through the whole war as a leader of a resistance group. (Recommended by Liz Raisbeck)
All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr and Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan. (“Loved it” wrote Joan Denny about All the Light…)
Lady Justice by Dahlia Lithwick. Tells the gripping and heroic story of the women lawyers who fought the racism, sexism, and xenophobia of Donald Trump’s presidency—and won. (Recommended Julie Conger)
Life on the Mississippi by Rinker Buck. The author of the bestseller The Oregon Trail decided to float down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers starting from outside Pittsburgh. Good writing, incredible research, equally incredible “characters”, and a great tale! (Recommended by Carol Lightwood)