
Welcome to our Smith ’69 website!

Visit our Class Facebook page to see photos and reactions about  the great 55th Reunion.  Click here.

Make a gift to the College for our 55th Reunion!

Stay Connected to the College and to Classmates!

    • Connect to the college via new apps and websites.  You can find classmates, update your own information, and access general reunion information.  Click here for more details.
    • Connect to classmates by meeting up in person, on Zoom, or in a Smith Academy study group.  Click here for more information or to tell us how you have already reconnected with classmates as we prepare for Reunion.
    • And of course, there is always FaceBook.  Click here and find our Class on FaceBook.  Not on FaceBook?  We have detailed information about joining here.

Our Odysseys, the 50th Reunion Classbook, is available here.  

  • Take another look at our fabulous 50th Reunion Classbook.  (You will be asked to enter your password.)

We love staying in touch with each of you so welcome again!

*Because of privacy concerns, many pages on our site require a password.  This will prevent search engines and unwanted people from accessing our information.  When you click on a secure page you will be prompted for a password.  The password, in all lower case, has previously been sent to members of the class via e-mail and class newsletters.   Here’s a hint: “our class color” (lower case) … If you need help accessing the site, e-mail the Web Chair.