- Chapin Classmates attend Ellyn Paul Weiss’s latest exhibit opening
Four Chapin House classmates met in Washington, DC, in February to attend Ellyn Weiss’s art opening at American University. The show, “The Human Flood,” is a multi-media, interactive show about the human cost of climate change. The catalogue says: “Why would anyone flee their home, community, culture, land, everything they know, and all the people they love? Simply put: because they must. In a word: desperation. Estimates vary on the numbers, but we know tens of millions of people, domestically and globally, have already been displaced by the effects of climate change, and that will onlyincrease as more land is made uninhabitable by flooding, fire, excessive heat or drought.”
- Cheers to President Sarah Willie-LeBreton’s Inauguration in Northampton!
Classmates Joyce Moran and Cathy Wiss recently traveled to Northampton for the Inauguration of Smith’s 12th President, Sarah Willie-LeBreton on Sat., Oct. 21. As a past Smith Trustee, Joyce joined in the Inauguration Procession. The photo shows Joyce and Cathy enjoying the Inauguration Eve Dinner festivity. They both look great and enjoyed the events surrounding the Inauguration. Joyce relates that she hopes to see a lot of classmates at our reunion next year!
- From Florida to New Hampshire!
On Friday, June 23, Sandy Diamond and Marcia Steckler spent the afternoon together. Sandy had flown to Vermont for a memorial service, and the next day, she drove through winding New Hampshire hills to join Marcia and her husband Phil for lunch along the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee, followed by a boat ride to the “big part” of the lake for more expansive views of islands and the surrounding mountains. Sandy’s visit was honored by a pair of loons who were catching fish and feeding them to their two recently hatched chicks only about 50 feet offshore. Marcia and Sandy had only spoken via Reunion zoom meetings over the past four years so it was especially meaningful for them to have this time together to relax and reflect on their respective “life” experiences! They are both looking forward to seeing one another and other classmates at Smith next spring!

The view over Lake Winnipesaukee towards the Ossipee Mountains where Marcia and Sandy “reconnected.”
- Chapin House Reconnects
In March of 2020 when everything was shut down, an informal social group was formed using Zoom. These Reconnects focused mainly on catching up with each other and talking about issues in common, like how COVID was affecting everyone, births/deaths, work situations. There is just one rule: NO POLITICS!! Since then some of the reconnects have become more formalized, built around specific topics. The group has now moved to a monthly schedule but still is a vital way of staying in touch.
If you are interested in setting up a house-based or location-based on-going group and want to know more about the Chapin example, contact Ann Edmonds
- Ellyn Paul Weiss Art Exhibition Opening
Sandy Diamond reports “some of us from Chapin traveled to New York for the opening of an art exhibition that Ellyn Paul Weiss tilted Rage Births Riot which she began immediately following the Supreme Court’s recent abortion decision. It was a very powerful exhibit.” Ellen Matzkin adds that the exhibit was at the AIR Gallery in Brooklyn.
Ellen also provided his image from the exhibit poster. On the poster, Ellyn Paul Weiss explains “This new work was begun directly after a woman’s constitutional right to freedom and bodily autonomy was abrogated. It is particularly fitting that it will be shown at A.I.R., the pioneering feminist gallery founded 50 years ago.” The exhibit closed in March, but the power of Ellyn’s message lives on in this image.
- Cushing House Get Togethers
Margie Barkin Searl reports that ’69 classmates from Cushing House have been getting together in various ways since 2012! Initially a small group gathered to celebrate Mountain Day and, with the exception of the Covid years and a few other blips, have convened annually since then. Once they met in Northampton where they rented a B&B. At our 50th, a few more Cushing-ites joined up and were folded into the initial group. The logical follow up was to transition in part to ZOOM. Margie tells us it is a really nice way to check up on each other and our families, and also sharing what we are doing, reading, watching on tv, etc. We all have our fingers in different pies—theatre, teaching, community projects and so on. So we expand our horizons through each other. And we support each other in situations that are sometimes complex and challenging.
One-time, face-to-face meet-ups or excursions can also Reconnect members of the class. Sue Herrick Foley is your contact to report these Reconnects. Please send pictures! We love to see our classmates out and about and Reconnecting!!