Founded in 1933, the Westchester Smith College Club exists to further the well-being of the college and its alumnae.
Request for updated Member contact information
We have close to 400 Smith alumnae in our area, but some of you haven’t given the Alumnae Association your e-mail address. We promise not to flood you with e-mails, but this is really the quickest way to get information to you — and it saves us money on printing and postage, too!
If you’d like to update your information on the Alumnae Association website — and also search for your friends and former house-mates — please go to the Alumnae Online Directory at and update your profile. This will help us ensure that you have the most current news about Club offerings!
Stay in touch!
Please let us know if we can be of assistance in answering any questions you may have! We are always interested in your feedback and ideas, and welcome any and all involvement and support