A window into some past events–we hope to see you at our upcoming events to make new fun memories!
Our club’s mission is to create an environment where local Smith graduates from every generation can form a community in order to stay connected to the College and one another. Through engaging programs, we are dedicated to constructively exchanging ideas, expanding our knowledge base, and providing financial support for future Smith students.
Each year we offer a number of social and educational programs designed to allow local alums the opportunity to meet one another and continue learning. If you are interested in becoming more actively involved in the club, please contact any board members or email us at SmithCollegeCambridge@gmail.com.
Club News!
Congratulations to our 2019-2020 Board Members!
We are excited to announce our newly elected and continuing board members for the upcoming year:
-President: Alexis Ertzner
-Vice President: Monica Wang
-Treasurer: Ruth Wilson
-Secretary: Sarah Netsky
-Programs Chair: Aleena Akmal and Carly Mailly
-Admissions Chairs: [2 OPEN POSITIONS]
-Young Alums Chair: Meave Doherty
-Book Club Chair: Isa Ruggiero Du Mond
We’d also like to thank outgoing members Sarah Perkins, Nell Pepper, Jessie Magyar, and Jen Duckett for all their work . We wish them the very best in their next endeavors and can’t wait to hear all about their adventures!
Become a Member or Renew Your Membership Now!
Pay now for your 2019-2020 membership! Annual club memberships roll over each fall (September 1st) for the following academic year. The SCCC depends on member fees to support our club events, volunteer activities and college recruiting efforts. Learn more about the benefits of membership here, and please, renew or join now!
Thank you for making our 2018 Annual Wine Tasting Fundraiser a success!
Thank you everyone who donated and came out for this year’s event. We enjoyed a beautiful spring evening in the garden of Webb and Jeff Brown (parents of Elizabeth Brown) and raised $11,000 for a scholarship for a local Smith student! And, we had fun doing so!
Thank you again to the wonderful Jay Farber and Magnolia Wines, who do so much to help us with this event year after year. Thank you also to our other corporate sponsors for their generous donations:
- Green City Growers
- Whole Foods
- Trader Joe’s
2018 Annual Wine Tasting: The Weather is a Go!
We are pleased to announce that, while a little chilly, we will be at our hoped-for garden loaction, and not in the church this year!
Wednesday, June 6, 5:30-7:30pm
Home and Garden of Webb and Jeff Brown, 50 Stoneleigh Circle, Watertown
Tickets are $30 at the door, or…
Become a sponsor now!
2018 Annual Elections: Congratulations!
We’d like to congratulate the newly elected (and continuing) members of our 2018-2019 board!
President: Alexis Ertzner
Vice President: Monica Wang
Treasurer: Sarah Perkins
Programs Co-Chair: Nell Pepper
Admissions Chair: Jessie Magyar
Young Alums Chair: Meave Doherty
Members at Large: Kathryn Loup and Kate Yohay
We’d love to give our most sincere thanks to Indira Deonandan and Aliza Leventhal for their work on the board this past year and wish them the best as they pursue upcoming endeavors!
Interested in joining the board? We still have open positions for Secretary, Hospitality Chair, Admissions Co-Chair, Programs Co-Chair, and Community Outreach Chair. All three positions are a great way to become involved for those new to the club/board. Send us an email at smithcollegecambridge@gmail.com if you are interested in learning more!
Thank you for making our 2017 Annual Wine Tasting Fundraiser a success!
Thank you everyone who donated and came out for this year’s event. While the weather was expected to rain us out, we still managed to raise a $12,000 scholarship to donate to a local Smith student! And, we had fun doing so!
Thank you again to the wonderful Jay Farber and Magnolia Wines, who do so much to help us with this event year after year. Thank you also to our other corporate sponsors for their generous donations:
- Green City Growers
- Whole Foods
- Trader Joe’s
Become a Member or Renew Your Membership Now!
Pre-pay now for your 2017-2018 membership! Annual club memberships roll over each fall (September 1st) for the following academic year. The SCCC depends on member fees to support our club events, volunteer activities and college recruiting efforts. Learn more about the benefits of membership here, and please, renew or join now!
Wine Tasting 2016: Thank you!
We want to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to make our Annual Wine Tasting Fundraiser such a success last year! Thanks to your support and generosity, we not only had a great evening of stimulating conversation while sipping wine, we were able to raise $10,000 to donate to a scholarship fund for a current Smith student. Thank you, it was truly a wonderful way to finish our year!
Want to know more about what we do? Check out our events page or follow us on Facebook for full details.