Welcome to the Smith Class of 1966 Website


Smith has created the Smith College Network Where Smithies Connect for keeping in touch with classmates and college happenings. Use this link to access it —  Smith College Network. It is available by downloading an app available online.

You may also use the following link to login or sign up for the alumnae directory or access the Smith College Network: https://smith.my.site.com/smithcommunity/s/login/ You may also use the old website: https://smith.force.com/alumnae/login

Use this link to go the Class of 1966 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/131968797783/





Our links to 2023 and 2024 Newsletters are being updated.

See our 2021 and 2022 Newsletters here:

Smith Class of 1966 Spring 2021 and Spring 2022 Newsletters

See 2018, 2019, 2020 and our 55th Reunion Newsletters here:

Smith Class of ’66 Fall 2020 Reunion Newsletter

Smith Class of 1966 Spring 2020 Newsletter

2018 and 2019 Newsletters

Check out News of ’66 Classmates and recent Class Notes from the Smith Alumnae Quarterly


Letter from Class President, Lois Hoffman Thompson

Summer 2024

Dear Fellow Members of the Class of ’66,

It is less than two years until our 60th reunion! Our reunion chairs, Caroline Soleliac Carbaugh and Elsa Pottala Pauley, are busily planning — with the goal of providing an engaging, fun time on campus that will include lots of time for us to catch up with each other and the opportunity for those who are unable to attend in person to join at least some of our activities as well. They welcome your ideas and encourage you to volunteer to assist them.

The silver lining to our inability to come together in person for our 55th reunion was that we discovered Zoom. (It is hard to believe that just a few years ago zoom had not entered our vocabulary except as a way of talking about the passage of time or the car that just passed us on the highway.) Thanks to Zoom and the wonderful contributions of many of you, we have been able to connect every few months in Salon ’66.

Most recently, our classmate Kathy Young McGee’s son-in-law, Dr. Stephen Intille, professor of human-centered computing research at Northeastern University, explained Artificial Intelligence, its promise and its challenges to us. We plan to have additional salons as we move into the fall and toward reunion. If you have ideas for topics we should address, please let me know.

Many of you also have been using Zoom to get together with housemates and some of you are planning in person mini-reunions, which is wonderful. As we age, we increasingly appreciate the ties we have to our classmates. I therefore encourage you to continue to plan Zoom and in person get togethers with each other. And, remember, as discussed more fully elsewhere on this webpage, we have a class Zoom account available for your use.

I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

Best wishes,

Lois Hoffman Thompson

Class Zoom Meetings

As you may know, we now have a class Zoom account with unlimited meeting time! We have used it successfully for the Salon66 series of presentations and meetings. Anyone can use it for class “business”, which of course includes gathering your housemates or other Smith friends.  House Reps will be using this as soon as they’ve volunteered for the role. Some of us with Reunion 60 on our minds will be using it to bring together housemates. Screen shots of several Zoom gatherings are posted to our website   https://alumnae.smith.edu/smithcms/1966/  and/or Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/groups/131968797783.   You might feel more comfortable using your own Zoom account, although the free accounts allow only 40 minutes, and the class Zoom allowance is up to 2 hours.

To use the new Smith ’66 Zoom account, contact Web Coordinator, Sandy Putnam, at slputnam1@gmail.com  and give her your confirmed date and time (beginning and ending – cushion it a bit to enable guests time to join at the beginning). She will let you know if that slot is available and will send you the invitation for forwarding to your guests. At the time of the meeting, you will use the same invitation as everyone else. You and guests may be asked for the Passcode in the Zoom invitation. It’s set up so guests can enter before you, if you should be delayed.



These webpages were created by and for the Smith College Class of 1966. Information on this page is intended for individual communication of a personal nature among Smith alumnae. Use of this information for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Accuracy of the information on this page cannot be guaranteed.  Smith College and the Alumnae Association of Smith College are not responsible for the content of this page. Responsibility for the page and its content belongs solely to the Smith College Class of 1966. This page is maintained by Sandy Putnam. Email Sandy at slputnam1@gmail.com.