About Us

How ALAS was born…

The idea for ALAS arose after several alumnae attended a lecture given by the former Smith College President, Ruth Simmons, that explored the idea of alumnae affinity groups.  Founding members created a constitution that charged ALAS with the tasks of recruiting students of color, mentoring current students, assisting with recruitment of faculty of color, and creating a strong alumnae network.

When ALAS was chartered…

ALAS became a formally chartered group with the Alumnae Association in 2002.  The first Executive Committee was elected in March 2004. Over the course of the years, board members have met in Northampton and other parts of the country to identify yearly goals and priorities.  The current board met in Washington, DC in January 2009 the weekend of Martin Luther King holiday, and President Obama’s inauguration.

What’s in store for ALAS…

We are excited about developing an association that will provide you and current students with an array of opportunities and a strong alumnae network. With your help, the Executive Committee will work on programs and activities that respond to your diverse needs, interests and aspirations. ALAS is also an excellent opportunity for alumnae to develop friendships and build organizing, executive planning skills that are transferable to many sectors of our personal and business life.

We look forward to seeing you at events and we welcome your comments or suggestions. Email us at ALASAlumnae@live.com