Welcome to our Class Website in green

Our 50th(!!) Reunion is right around the corner, May 15-18, 2025! For lots of information, click the 50th Reunion tab at the top of this page, and the other pages from the drop-down menu of that tab. You can see who’s coming, how to register, and view our book. We hope to see many of you there!

Check out the ’75 Live page under the Home tab or click this link. You will need a password:  The name of the Bookstore which was on Green Street during our years at Smith. (The name starts with a Q.) Still stumped? Click here for your hint or contact Frieda or Andrea

We encourage you to explore the other pages of our website – several are updated from time to time, especially the In Memoriam and our fundraising page, The H’Art of Giving.

A note about privacy: This home page is public.  Some pages will be password protected so that they will be accessible only to you and your classmates.  See note above about the password.                                                                                                                                                      

imagesStay in touch, as well, by joining our Smith College ’75 Facebook Group.  It’s a “Closed” group – open only to members of our class who request to join or who are personally invited by classmates.  So pictures and posts are not public.  For those leery of joining Facebook for privacy reasons, you can adjust settings such that only those you invite or accept have access to your profile and further customize to limit their access.

For the 2020-2025 term,   Frieda Malcolm and  Andrea (“Andi”) Acker Strone are serving as Co-Media Chairs handling the class website and Facebook page.  Frieda is the principal “webperson” .  Andi is the principal administrator of our Class Facebook Group page.  They look forward to your input.

This is the official web site of the Smith College Class of 1975, independent of, but affiliated with, the Alumnae Association of Smith College.  This page was created by and for the Class of 1975 of Smith College.  Information on this page is intended for individual communication of a personal nature among Smith alumnae from the Class of 1975.  Use of this information for any other purpose is strictly prohibited.  Accuracy of the information on these pages cannot be guaranteed.  Smith College and the Alumnae Association of Smith College are not responsible for the content of these pages.  Responsibility for that content belongs solely to the Smith College Class of 1975.  This site is maintained by the class Web Administrators