50th Reunion Book

As of March 1, 2025, there were 260+ published pages in our 50th Book — including pages for nearly 200 living classmates plus memorial pages for deceased classmates.  With our 50th Reunion fast approaching, now is the time to create or edit your page, peruse classmates’ pages, and enjoy photo galleries.  You can sort for classmates by location, house, major, or keyword. It’s fun to view and easy to navigate.  (See image below for what pops up when the 50th Book opens, including the yellow square that says “View Everyone.”)  Check it out at Smith.brightcrowd.com!

For tips about how to get started on your page, watch the 50th Book webinar recording available here. To request another invitation to create your page in our 50th Book, email the co-editors:  Leigh Stevenson Cobb ( lscobb@gmail.com ) and Sandra (Sandy) Williams ( sandrakwilliams@gmail.com  ).

The book designers developed the following prompts for your entries. You may answer as many as you like, and edit your writing through our reunion. You will also be able to upload photos with captions.

  • Words that describe me…
  • My strongest memories of Smith are…
  • When I graduated from Smith I expected… The reality I found was…
  • Because I went to Smith…
  • What I want others to know about my life journey…
  • A life challenge for me…
  • I’m proud of…
  • I’d still like to…
  • What are some of the social issues that concerned you during your time at Smith, and have your thoughts about them changed over the years?