Reunion App
Starting just prior to reunion weekend, the new Smith College reunion app will be your one-stop shop for the 2025 reunion schedule, class and college events, speaker information, FAQ’s and more. The app is free and can be downloaded for iPhones (through Apple) or android phones (through Google Play). Content goes live a few days before reunion and is updated all weekend.
Class Programs
“Reunion is like an adult summer camp with smart women,” quipped one Smith alumna. In this spirit, our three class programs constitute a liberal arts colloquium which many classmates helped envision. These programs are designed to be interactive (participatory), enhancing enjoyment and engagement. While details are still evolving, the program titles are as follows:
’75 / Live in 2025: Conversations with Classmates
Campus Discovery: Paradise Found
Archives Exploration: Looking Back to Push Ahead
Alumnae Parade
One of Smith’s best loved traditions is the Alumnae Parade. Whites are worn; witty signs abound. Our class will join other milestone reunion classes for the morning parade and Ivy Day program on Saturday, May 17. Please pack a white outfit. Hats, totes and sashes will be waiting for you when you register at our class headquarters.
Illumination Night
Smith’s traditional display of hanging lanterns is better than ever, now augmented by a colored light show on the Upper Campus. This event will take place after dinner on Saturday, May 17. Following Illumination Night, join an all-class dance party with musical selections from our era.
Class Communications
Are you getting our emails? If not, you are missing email-only announcements about our 50th Reunion, 50th Book, and ’75 / Live programs. There’s an easy fix. Please send your email address to today. Your contact preference with the College will remain as you choose.
Classmate-to-Classmate Communications
Would you like classmates to be able to contact you? Update your contact info in Smith’s alumnae directory called “The Network”: You may wish to adjust your privacy settings. Whether you decide to hide (or unhide) your contact info, The Network enables direct messaging.
Email 50th Reunion Co-Chairs Lisa Ericson or Ellen Watts with any questions or special requests. If we don’t know the answers, we will find out!