Welcome to our recently updated Class of 1955 website! It’s time to look ahead to our 70th Reunion May 23 – 25 Here we are in our 90″s and getting ready to enjoy a trip to Northampton to celebrate our 70th class reunion with classmates we have not seen for ten years! I am excited about it and hope you are, too.
Those of us who have email addresses received an online invitation to register for reunion with our own link to a registration form. By now all of you should have received an invitation to reunion sent USPS. If you were nervous about registering using the online link this will give you an alternative. The invitation will include valuable information about reunion.
If you haven’t already invited someone who knows you well to be your companion, do it now!. Both you and your companion will be guests of the college with all your expenses paid except for your travel expenses. It’s up to you to pay the travel costs for the two of you. Remember that you will be staying a dorm room belonging to a student who is away for the summer NOT in a hotel room with a private bathroom.
You can expect to find college furniture with a wash cloth and small towel, sheets, a light blanket, pillow and pillow case, wastebasket, and a recycle container. You might find it useful to bring your favorite soap and a plastic cup or glass for pill taking. in addition to a light sweater you might consider a hat if we are fortunate enough to have a bright sunny weekend.The rooms do not have locks so leave your valuables at home. A one card will get you into houses and other buildings. I understand we will be staying in Northrup. We will receive our room assignments when we check in.
If you have a cell phone remember to bring the charger! If your cell has a flashlight that may come in handy. If you plan to bring a small flashlight be sure it has fresh batteries.
I’m looking forward to seeing you in May, coming up soon!
Sally Greeley Bailey
February 2025