News and Photos Update


Northrup House will be open to us beginning Thursday May 22nd at 4 pm through 11 am Sunday, May 25th.  There will be an evening  cookout on the Chapin lawn for the all early arrivals.  Breakfast will be served to all.  The college programs begin at 11 am. One our early arrivals  might enjoy is a student panel discussion about their Smith Experience. Lunch will be at Northrup.  We are scheduled to have a bus tour of the campus that will end at Neilson Library.  After a talk about the library we will have an opportunity to tour some parts of the building.  By then it will be time for cocktails and dinner again at Northrup.  After dinner it will be time to relax, reminisce, enjoy the display of memorabilia or play cards or if you weary head for bed,

Saturday will begin with the parade.  Wear whites from head to toe and your green ribbon. Bring a tote bag from a previous reunion for your sweater, hat, cell phone, etc.  Remember to wear comfy shoes.


Class of 1955 Secretary Katie Cowen Weldon reported in the Summer SAQ Class Notes on the luncheon mini-reunion in New York City of our classmates as pictured here: (l. to r.) below: Katie Cowen Weldon, Jan Carlson Oresman, and Joyce Lowenthal West; above–Shelia Montgomery Cleworth, Sally Gooch Paynter and Pat Rediker Goldstein



Sally Greeley Bailey
Patricia Redeker Goldstein
Dr. Rosanne Leipzig
Jan Carlson Oresman
Sally Gooch Paynter


AnnaMaria Herbert Abernathy Enid Minton Michelman
Carolyn Crosby Anderson Barbara Neal
Lola Fortmiller Baldwin Kate Copeland Newhall
Catherine Anderson Barres Enid Johns Oresman
Nancy Biddle Bates Anne Sangree Parke
Nancy Gustafson Bauer Susan Asher Picard
Greata Titcomb Beatty Deborah Plesser Pinkus
Edith Stenhouse Bingham Laurie Nath Reinstein
Marilyn Thunfors Bremser Jill Gillette Reydel
Marguerite Clark Joan Dutton Romig
Sheila Montgomery Cleworth Elizabeth Parker Rouse
Judith Ettlinger Cohn Anne Rosenthal Satin
Ann Field Coxe Mary Rose (Pattee) Caldwell Schlatter
Joan Carey Crowley Esther Marks Schleifer
Alice Wayland Cruikshank Nancy Hurd Schluter
Mary Unterberg DeBare Barbara Stein Scott
Jane Canning Ellis Sylvia Scully
Katharine Becker Finney Pat Clarke Seeger
Ruth Weiss Friendly Shirley Stugard Seipel
Marilynn Berger Gladstone Lila Altman Sherman
Joan Rosenberg Grant Rachael Jenkins Sherrill
Mary McMurtrie Griffenberg Ella Carpenter Slade
Betty Starcher Griffith Louise Adams Snell
Helene Zimmermann Hill Linda Ekstrom Stanley
Ann Michelson Hirschhorn Nancy Kasden Talsky
Anne Elmendorf Impellizzeri Mary MacPhail Taylor
Mary Cowen Jeton Judith Evans Thomas
Nancy Booth Kelly Elizabeth Jones Thorne
Ruth Feingold Kern Peggy Lynch Tomlinson
Marian Singer Kessler Anne Eiseman Walker
Polly Ormsby Longsworth Katie Cowen Weldon
Judith Walsh Malcom Jacqueline (Jacky) Rosenfeld Werner
Ann Jonas Malpass Joyce Loewenthal West
Mary Lee Fauver Merrill Phyllis Hodill Wilmot
Carol Eisenberg Meyerson Judith Baron Zucker

FALL, 2018

On October 31, 2018 1955 Class Officers met at the NYC apartment of V-President Sally Gooch Paynter to develop plans for our 65th Smith Reunion set for May, 2020. A Fall Newsletter will update all classmates and encourage feedback re possible attendance, programs and activities. This website will post the latest plans and continue to report on participation of classmates near and far.  Pictured L. to R: Alice Wayland Cruikshank, Sally Gooch Paynter, President Sally Greeley Bailey, V-President Anne Elmendorf Impellizzerri, House Reps Katie Cowen Weldon, Smith Fund Kay Becker Finney, Adela Bartholomew Wilmerding, Smith Fund–Special Gifts Edie Stenhouse Bingham and Linda Ekstrom Stanley.



A December event at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art Classmates brought together classmates.

(l. to r.) Sally Gooch Paynter, Pat Rediker Goldstein, Liz Sessions Kelsey, Anne Elmendorf Impellizerri, Jan Carlson Oresman and Joyce Loewenthal West








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The Neurological Institute of the Columbia University Medical Center honored their member Prof. Dr. C. Dominique Toran-Allerand, MD, Doctor Honoris Causa (Smith 1955) at a reception on October 22, 2015.  Dr. Toran became world renowned for her innovative and seminal studies of estrogen and brain research. Sally Gooch Paynter wrote this personal report:

“Last month Bickley Flower Simpson, Joyce Loewenthal West, Jan Carlson Oresman and Sally Gooch Paynter journeyed up from midtown Manhattan to the Neurological Institute of Columbia University to attend a reception honoring Dominique Toran-Allerand for her contribution to the study of the effects of estrogen on the brain. Amongst the laudatory speeches given by Dominique’s distinguished colleagues Sally — having shared a terrifying freshman chemistry lab with Dickie Allerand before she became Professor Dr. C. Dominique Toran-Allerand M.D. — gave the assemblage some Smith background of the honoree. Other speeches mentioned Dominique’s groundbreaking research; her passion for estrogen; the collegiality of her laboratory. Several young women spoke with emotion of Dominique as a role model and mentor. Dominique received an honorary Dr. of Science degree from Smith in 1998, citing that “Her work has demonstrated the benefit of estrogen treatments in preventing or slowing the cognitive disorders associated with Alzheimer’s disease”…. something I guess we can all relate to and say, Thanks, Dickie!


60th REUNION PHOTOS–5/21-24/2015


The Grecourt Gates


Linda Ekstrom Stanley, Adela Bartholomew Wilmerding and Dorothea Hutton Scher

Rachael Jenkins Sherrill, Pattee Caldwell Schlatter and Anne Eiseman Walker

Rachael Jenkins Sherrill, Pattee Caldwell Schlatter and Anne Eiseman Walker


Sue Cross Hunter, Sally Greeley Bailey, Wini Hitz Lumsden, Joan Carey Crowley, Anne Eiseman Walker


Sally Greeley Bailey, Polly Ormsby Longsworth, Kristin Miller Wood, Joan Dutton Romig and Sue Cross Hunter

Katie Cowen Weldon, Wini Hitz Lumsden, Rachael Jenkins Sherrill and Marty Moore Gilbert

Katie Cowen Weldon, Wini Hitz Lumsden, Rachael Jenkins Sherrill and Marty Moore Gilbert

Barbara Stein Scott, Shelia Montgomery Cleworth and Judy Ettlinger Cohn

Barbara Stein Scott, Shelia Montgomery Cleworth and Judy Ettlinger Cohn


Jan Carlson Oresman, Ginger Owen Schoder and Liz Sessions Kelsey


Kate Copeland Newhall, Diane Neal Emmons, Louise Toole Healey and Jane Fox Crandall

March, 2015



Hosts Sally Gooch Paynter, Jan Carlson Oresman and Joyce Loewenthal West

A delightful luncheon mini-reunion was hosted by Pat Rediker Goldstein, Jan Carlson Oresman, Sally Gooch Paynter and Joyce Loewenthal West at Sally’s NYC apartment on February 5. Despite the inclement weather, the classmates able to attend were: Marilyn Silver Braiterman, Alice Wayland Cruikshank, Ann Rosenthal Satin, Susan Smith Henry, Susan Asher Picard, Dorothea Hutton Scher, Bickley Flower Simpson, Debby Plesser Pinkus, Anne Elmendorf Impellizeri, and Marty Moore Gilbert.



 September, 2014

An enthusiastic group of greater Boston-area classmates met at the Peabody Essex Museum to view the Calder exhibit in September. Anne Eiseman Walker noted “Nineteen attended but two had left by the time we remembered to take a picture!” Hopefully all will plan to attend our upcoming 60th Reunion in May 2015.

Pictured standing : Liz Kelsey, Nancy Biddle Bates, Addie Bartholomew Wilmerding, Judy Ettinger Cohn, Susan McWhinney Morse, Lee Cairns Havens, Jill Gillette Reydel, Lola Fortmiller Baldwin, Brita Lehmkuhl Herman, Muffy Finger Marlio, Marion Francis Thornton. Kneeling: Anne Marshall Tarbell and Vera Converse Gibbons. Front row: Hosts Hilary Holcomb Creighton, Kate Copeland Newhall, Libby Jones Thorne and Anne Eiseman Walker. Not pictured: Sue Cross Hunter and Elinor Lockwood Yeo.